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High performance microelectronics � system integration by 3-D-Wafer-Level-Packaging

Leistungsstarke Mikroelektronik ? Systemintegration durch 3-D-Wafer-Level-Packaging
Leistungsstarke Mikroelektronik ? Systemintegration durch 3-D-Wafer-Level-Packaging
Ever smaller, ever more achievement and above all ever more functions, that microelectronic systems must be supposed in the future to offer � at the same time them energy-efficiently and favorably hrzustellen be. A method to reach this is the 3D-Systemintegration. In Dresden today the center universe silicone system integration Dresden ASSID of the institute for Fraunhofer for reliability and micro integration IZM is opened. There researchers want technologies for a 3-D-Systemintegration von Halbleiterbauelementen to develop and make application ripe. The center universe silicone system integration Dresden ASSID of the IZM is world-wide one of the few centers, which are active in the Hightech area of the 3-D-Systemintegration on wafer level , say Fraunhofer executive committee Professor Dr. Alfred Gossner with the opening. We are pleased the fact that the Federal Ministry for education and research, the Free State Saxonia as well as the European union support this trend-setting technology and promotes here concrete projects . Are used at the Fraunhofer the IZM - ASSID developed technologies, in order to manufacture systems, which are manufactured several electronic components in a miniaturized design in itself to combine and by means of established procedures of the semiconductor manufacturing. The technical term for it is: Wafer level system in Packages � it finds to Wl-SiP these small, extremely complex systems as electronic modules application, where it concerns fast signal processing, like for example in the image processing and - evaluation in medical instruments or in the safety area. Further operational areas are controls in the machine and equipment construction, in the automatic control engineering and in robot systems as well as with alternative energies. In the automobile industry such systems are needed approximately for an energy-efficient vehicle price increase by electric cars or in Fahrerassistenzsystemen. Conceivable are they everywhere, where several electronic components are to be united such as processors, ASICSs, memory or sensors to a compact, efficient, small electronic overall system. By its modular beginning it is possible to deal with the help of the 3-D-Systemintegration, more briskly and better with special application needs and individual customer's requests. Products can be realized faster and be brought more economically on the market. The technical challenges concerning integration and wiring density are immense. Here the expert's assessment of many years of the IZM comes to carrying. In the area of the wafer level Packaging and the 3-D-Systemintegration the researchers developed themselves also internationally an outstanding position. This is with IZM - ASSID to the 300 mm wafer level Packaging technology to be transferred and developed. Engineers want to increase the efficiency of microelectronic systems, as the elements are arranged not only in one level, but stacked one above the other in several situations and connected electrically. Connecting effected by means of Through silicone Vias , that are copper-metallized plated-through holes in the Siliziumwafer.Um such 3-D-Systeme into an industrial manufacturing to be converted, must the scientists a multiplicity of technological Einzelprozessen, innovative procedures and solutions with new materials develop. Our goal is it to offer for the most diverse customers from industry and research custom-made solutions , explains Dr. Klaus-Dieter long from the IZM. Important industrial partners like GLOBALFOUNDRIES at the location Dresden as well as the companies Infineon Technologies and NXP Semiconductors Germany already stated their interest in this technology. Fraunhofer the IZM - ASSID firmly merged in the institutional research and industrial network work with the companies silicone of the Saxony as well as the institutes for Fraunhofer in the Free State Saxonia. Beyond that the IZM - ASSID will be established also internationally as one of the most important centers for the 3-D-Systemintegration in microelectronics. Picture: 3-D-Systemintegration to 300 mm-Wafern is to help, microelectronics smaller, to make more efficient and energy-more efficient. (� Fraunhofer IZM)

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