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Saint Gobain builds new work to the production of high-efficient Photovoltaik modules (Fab 2)

Saint-Gobain baut neues Werk zur Produktion hocheffizienter Photovoltaik-Module (Fab 2)
Saint-Gobain baut neues Werk zur Produktion hocheffizienter Photovoltaik-Module (Fab 2)
To 08.06.2010 Saint Gobain announced that its subsidiary company Avancis will establish in the context of its growth strategy in the sector solar energy an ultramodern factory with a production capacity of 100 megawatts per year for the production of Photovoltaik (test specification) to modules. The new manufacturing in gate gau becomes vis � vis the 2008 in enterprise taken factory (Fab 1) on a surface of 25.000 m � to develop. Achievements (carriage return character) Clean Room Consulting GmbH: Master planning

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