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C-Tec Hydroflex ClearClean Ecolab

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Air is not equal to air!

Luft ist nicht gleich Luft!
Luft ist nicht gleich Luft!
Filter technology from Ellwangen fulfilled room climate tables conditions for each EinsatzbereichCamfil Farr, world market leader within the range air cleaner technology, established itself center last yearly in Ellwangen with a logistics and a distribution center for Southern Germany. From here the enterprise supplies approximately 1,500 different grobstaub, fine dust, suspended matter and molecular filters as well as accessories particularly to industrial customers. Since May 2010 also direct purchases are locally possible. That at present 23-k�pfige staff approximately around address leader Ulric Sern� is to grow in the next months by further sales specialists. �At the latest when entering a hospital, a shoemaker workshop or a Textilreinigung becomes clear, which large influence has the quality of the spatial air on the human well-being. Perhaps but which the Jogger in the city park calls � good air �, contributes for the chemist to unakzeptablen conditions of work or means for the quarantine patient a life-threatening condition. The subjective and also objective requirements in terms of the respective room climate can be very different thus. Of according to effective and safe air cleaner technology alone daily millions final consumers in the whole world are dependent. At the beginning of of 2009 settled in the trade area nine-home/new city an enterprise, which offers leading the market air cleaner solutions for evenly those different life and work areas: The Camfil kg in Rhine field with addresses in Berlin and in Ellwangen is member of the Camfil Farr group acting world-wide now. From Ellwangen the address leader Ulric Sern� and its in the meantime 23-k�pfiges team ensure for the fact that 1. 500 different products of the ranges of air cleaner systems and pure ventilation engineering within fewer days their place of work in the south of the Federal Republic achieve. The focus of new logistics and sales center is thereby mainly on grobstaub, fine dust, suspended matter and molecular filters inclusive Zubeh�r.Zu to their customers counts large car manufacturers, hospitals, airports, hotels, schools, office or also department stores. Concrete examples are regional sizes such as Varta or Bosch. � so differently our customers are so individual, are also their requirements to the room climate conditions important for their effective ranges. Our sales crew places itself daily to find individually for each customer energy-conscious and at the same time environmentalfair product solutions which contribute accordingly to the well-being of humans, manufacturing processes to the challenge to secure or possibly also against dangerous substances protect is �, explains Ulric Sern�.T�glich abandoned up to 12 full trailer combinations the Camfil yard in Ellwangen and ensures just in time with at present approximately 4,000 ship-to-addresses for a 100 percent distribution ratio. Owing to most modern high and block storage engineering Ellwangen can be kommissioniert and shipped about 60,000 products accordingly smoothly at the location. The pallet reaches to a matchbox of filters the size up to filter housings, which do not find no more in regular containers place. Depending upon need they can pull all conceivably disturbing materials of insects up to molecules and smells from air. � since at the beginning of May is apart from the forwarding trade also the direct purchase via collection with us possible � thus air cleaner technology over the shop bar available �, like that Sern�. That is particularly interesting for that Facility managers, who must bridge a bottleneck or manage fast an unexpected filter exchange. Camfil Farr was created before 47 years of G�sta Larsson in Trosa/Sweden as one-man business and counts today � still as exempt private company � to the offerers within the ranges air cleaner systems and pure ventilation engineering, leading world-wide. The Swedish company counts in 2010 on a conversion of approximately 600 millions euros in the areas of application climate, ventilation, pure space and energy engineering, security and environmental protection. The continuous growth of the company is reflected also in the address Ellwangen again, because up-to-date still at least dreik�pfige reinforcement for the sales interior and field service is looked for here.

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