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Largest bosch single investment 200-mm-Halbleiterfabrik takes the enterprise in Reutlingen on daily up to one million of microchip

Größte Bosch-Einzelinvestition 200-mm-Halbleiterfabrik nimmt in Reutlingen den Betrieb auf Täglich bis zu eine Million Mikrochips
Größte Bosch-Einzelinvestition 200-mm-Halbleiterfabrik nimmt in Reutlingen den Betrieb auf Täglich bis zu eine Million Mikrochips
- Federal President K�hler meets the winners of the German future price innovative products for the increasing need of electronics a substantial condition for the electrical mobility of the ZukunftIn presence of the Federal President, Professor Dr. Horst K�hler, at the location Reutlingen the new 200-Millimeter-Halbleiterfabrik their enterprise took up. The new factory, in which in the future semiconductors and micromechanical elements are manufactured, is with a total volume of 600 million euro the largest single investment in the history of the group of bosch. � defiance of the economic crisis we had the will, Kraft and the means, around this project to convert �, stressed Franz Fehrenbach, chairman of the bosch management. With the new manufacturing the enterprise places itself to the increasing need according to ever more complex electronic elements and systems in the automobile, buildings in addition, with consumer durables such as mobile phones, laptops or game consoles. � examples like the semiconductor manufacturing in Reutlingen underline impressively that the industry of Baden-Wuerttemberg is well for the challenges of the future preparatory, explained � the Prime Minister of the country Baden-Wuerttemberg, Stefan Mappus. � if we the engines still more economically and the trip with the car to make still safer want, only with still more technology and straight also electronics will be possible �, stressed Fehrenbach. New electronic systems provide for less fuel consumption and thus fewer emissions. The meaning of the electric current as driving power for Nebenaggregate, but in the long run also for the actual drive, rises accordingly continuously. This has the consequence that ever larger electrical achievements must be steered electronically. The development of automobile-specific solutions for the power electronics forms a key for the further electrification of future vehicles. On it also the 1,200 developers from Reutlingen work. This direct proximity of development and manufacturing and the proximity to high-innovative car manufacturers are one of the reasons for Bosch to operate also the 200-Millimeter-Halbleiterfertigung at this location. A building in the Geb�udeIn of this manufacturing integrated circuits (IC) and micromechanical elements (MEMS) develop. Raw material are thin silicon wafers, wafer so called, with a diameter of 200 millimeters. The production processes for the fact are so complex that it takes on the average six weeks, until a silicon wafer went through all manufacture steps. On the Wafern very fine structures are arranged, so that the manufacturing processes are convertible under pure space conditions only. Air in the manufacturing is for this filtered most intensively. In such a way reached pure class of area 1 is comparable with a maximum pollution in Kirschkerngr��e on the volume of the Bodensee. Vibrations from the outside as for instance of traffic may not reach the sensitive production machines. Therefore the outer hull of the manufacturing building was established separately from the actual core of the plant structurally. The manufacturing is thus a building in the building, which is equipped with particularly solid and thus very rigid foundations, walls and intermediate covers. In the final development, which is planned until 2016, each day up to one million of these only few millimeters will develop large chips. At this time approximately 800 humans will then work in the WaferFab. � these coworkers are it, who ensure that from an investment also a success story becomes �, said Fehrenbach.Kleine chip with vital AufgabenWie in the neighbouring, already semiconductor manufacturing working since 1995 by Bosch for 150-Millimeter-Wafer develops in the new WaferFab semiconductors as for example user-specific integrated circuits (ASICs), similar ICs and high speed elements. They are used among other things into electronic controls for combustion engines and transmissions, in the centrifuge protection ESP�, into Airbag and Fahrerassistenzsystemen, in a park assistance or night vision systems. In addition micromechanical sensors (MEMS) come, which can measure already finest movements. They play a very much meaning role as sensors in automotive electronics. Increasingly the sensors from Reutlingen in addition, Consumer electronics conquer � thus laptop, mobile phones. Thus the tiny sensors steer the screen representation of a mobile phone � that mobile phone crosswise are kept instead of upright, then the image representation changes also on the desired landscape format. Additionally to the new semiconductor factory for 200-Millimeter-Wafer established Bosch at its location Reutlingen a new Testzentrum. There the manufactured monoliths and MEMS sensors are examined to the conclusion and programmed according to later applications. Thus Bosch ensures that the chips fulfill their tasks reliably and precisely over the entire assignment in automobile, mobile phone or laptop. Semiconductor market on ErholungskursDie new semiconductor manufacturing belongs to the division automotive Electronics, which employs world-wide approximately 20,000 coworkers. At the seat in Reutlingen since 1971 semiconductors are manufactured. Today 6,700 women and men on the location, who manufacture sensors, elements and electronic controllers predominantly for the automobile industry and increasingly in addition, for the consumer goods industry, work. After a recession in sales of 19,5 per cent last year the division automotive Electronics expects a plus of at least 15 per cent for 2010. � it will have lasted nevertheless to 2012, to we again the turnover level from 2007 have reached �, said Christian OF excavator bucket, chairman of the range executive committee of automotive Electronics.Der division reflects the development of the industry again. Last year the market of chips for the automobile industry particularly had gotten the consequences of the economic crisis to feel. The conversions broke in by 20 per cent on 15.8 billion dollar, while the world-wide semiconductor market decreased/went back only by eight per cent to a total volume of 226.3 billion dollar. For this year the industry in all segments expects strong recovery Federal President meets Preistr�gerDie official opening of the new Reutlinger semiconductor factory was for Federal President K�hler at the same time cause to visit Jiri Marek and Michael open mountain of Bosch as well as franc Melzer of Bosch Sensortec on the job. This team it had lent the German future price of the Federal President to 2008. They received this honor for their innovative work to the MEMS technology and their penetration at the market. This technology is today inseparably linked with automotive electronics and Consumer electronics. Last year Bosch had approximately 220 million of these MEMS sensors on the market to bring and with it its prominent position on this world market to maintain be able. Bosch and Bosch Sensortec employ approximately 2,000 coworkers within this range. Picture: (Bosch) from left to right: Christian OF excavator bucket, Professor Dr. - engineer Hermann Scholl, Stefan Mappus, Professor Dr. Horst K�hler, Franz Fehrenbach, Dr. Volkmar Denner.�

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