Neue Studiengänge: Lebensmittel- und Verpackungstechnologie sowie Mechatronik
With the innovative engineer disciplines food and packing technology as well as Mechatronik strengthens the university their authority within the range of the technique courses of studies. It reacts with the introduction of the two Bachelorstudieng�nge to the high need of the residents enterprises at qualified specialists and creates besides attractive offers for the double Abitur class 2011. All study prospective customers, who want to take up a study to the autumn, should now inform. Application start is at the end of of April to set Studienbeginn off to 1st October food and packing technology (Bachelor OF engineering) food successfully to marked out and is today without a functional and responding packing no longer possible. Here the course of studies sets food and packing technology. It obtain knowledge of classical mechanical engineering, the foodstuffs sector as well as the packing technology. This combination makes the course of studies in South Germany singular. Professor Dr. Markus Prem, initiator and course of studies co-ordinator within the faculty mechanical engineering: � regarding the strong packing and foodstuffs industry structure of the region it makes me happy much to be able to offer this course of studies at the university Kempten. Well trained engineers and engineers, who control these cross section functions, will find here in addition, supraregional protruding job market chances. Straight one also for women is this course of studies � in close co-operation with muva kempten accomplished � outstanding is suitable. � graduate inside and graduates can find processing industry, with packaging machine manufacturers and packaging means producers, within the ranges of the food in the beverage or pharmaceutical industry, in food and packing analytics laboratories, in the plastics processing, in mechanical engineering or also in the trade employment. Study applicants should bring along an enthusiasm for the technology, natural sciences (v.a. biology and chemistry) and mathematics according to professor Prem. Interest in the food production, subsequent treatment and packing is further Voraussetzung.Die high-quality training of future engineers and engineers in the context of this special course of studies by numerous business partners of the region is promoted and supported. In addition count among other things Edelwei� GmbH & CO. Kg, input clutch luggage foils GmbH, high country Germany GmbH, Huhtamaki Ronsberg GmbH, cheese factory Champignon yard master GmbH & CO. Kg, M�llerGroup, Multivac Sepp Haggenm�ller GmbH & CO. Kg, muva Kempten, Nestle Germany AG as well as the south luggage packing GmbH & CO. KG.Mechatronik (Bachelor OF engineering) intelligent robots, MP3-Player, mobile phone or the anti-skid system � without the Mechatronik are not conceivable innumerable achievements of our time. Also the faculty electro-technology and computer science sets in its new course of studies on an interdisciplinary beginning. Mechanical, electrotechnical and information-technical components form the basis of this young engineering science. Mechatroni systems appear in the most different ranges of application, for example in traffic systems and means of transport (rail, road, air, water), in production plants, energy production systems, in the building engineering and in the household. Professor Dr. Walter Simon, course of studies co-ordinator: � with the selectable study emphasis of production systems and robotics as well as Mikromechatronik and Ambient Assisted Living we will prepare our studying optimally for the various operational areas �. Mechatronikingenieurinnen and � engineers are strongly inquired in the occupation world. Due to the width of this future-oriented training outstanding job market chances in different industries result. Graduate inside and graduates come generally mechanical engineering, with car manufacturers and � suppliers, manufacturers of medical instruments or in the micro-system technology to the employment. However in the Allg�u is a multiplicity of attractive jobs. Also the Mechatronikstudium presupposes a large interest in natural sciences. It promotes beyond that creativity. � the interdisciplinary function � the constant contact with specialists from mechanical engineering, electro-technology and computer science � grants constantly new views and guarantees various setting of tasks. Who has fun at the development of innovative products and processes, this challenge should accept �, like that professor Simon.In both courses of studies is possible it to spend a part of the study abroad. The university maintains for it relations with partner universities in the whole world.
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