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Direction addressing to the pure space extension building of the IPHT

Richtfest am Reinraum-Erweiterungsbau des IPHT
Richtfest am Reinraum-Erweiterungsbau des IPHT
One would like to mean that construction cranes on the Jenaer hiving mountain campus are a firm component of the appearance. Up-to-date one of the cranes stands on the building site to the extension building of the pure area at Institut for photo niche technologies (IPHT). � science at this location has economic situation. It needs the premises and infrastructure �, justifies Professor J�rgen Popp, scientific director of the IPHT, the continual boom of construction activity. Today, Wednesday, 19. , Celebrated May 2010 numerous honour guests, construction worker and coworker of the institute Richtfest.In pure areas, particularly from the semiconductor manufacturing admit, the concentration at airborne particles as possible are kept as small. These particles would disturb the production of circuits or other construction units in the order of magnitude of fractions of a micrometer sensitively.�The IPHT Reinraum becomes joint with the Friedrich Schiller university Jena (among other things. Institut for applied physics) used. It developed to one the most modern its kind in Thuringia and made possible so in the future research and development on a new level.� � the technological heart of the institute strikes �, thus Professor Popp here. Secretary of State Professor Thomas Deufel of the Th�ringer Ministry for education, science and culture added: � by the development the science location hiving mountain campus experiences a revaluation as a competence centre of the micro and nanotechnology of European rank altogether. � Professor Deufel stressed the meaning of the pure space extension for the regional economy in this connection. Residents enterprises within the high technology range are dependent on the use of pure space surfaces. � the possibilities of co-operation will widen themselves with the conclusion of the construction measures clearly �, so Secretary of State Deufel. The modernization covers measures for energy reduction by re-equipment on a new ventilation concept as well as the renewal of the operating technology and utilities supply (water, river). They are promoted with 6.8 million euros from the reflationary programme II of the federation. A surface gain of approx. 400 square meters is created by a two-story cultivation and an improved use of the air condition technology. The total area and amounts to after conclusion of the building 1000 square meters. After the stop of the enterprise in the summer 2010 beginning coming yearly the research activeties can be taken up again. Most modern processes and techniques of the micro production are used in the pure area of the IPHT and are developed further. Among other things technologies are investigated for the production of highly sensitive sensors for photon detectors. These are a central component of the Terahertz Sicherheitskamera. In addition, micro-fluid construction units as well as chips for bio analytics can be developed and produced directly at the IPHT. The process chain goes up to the production of prototypes and small series. � the possibility of performing these work in-house is thus the basis for the scientific success of the entire institute �, underlines director of institute Professor Popp the present and future meaning of the pure area.�

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