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Pure space gate - certified protection for pure areas tested of the Frauenhofer Institut

Reinraumtor - Zertifizierter Schutz für Reinräume vom Frauenhofer Institut getestet
Reinraumtor - Zertifizierter Schutz für Reinräume vom Frauenhofer Institut getestet
Particularly for the employment in medical ranges, fan mA, research, electronics, semiconductor production, space and other industries, in which the manufacturing is in pure areas standard, Albany Door of system developed the new high-speed run roll gate RapidRoll� Clean. It is first of the Fraunhofer Institut certified Reinraumtor.Das RapidRoll� Clean fulfills the international standards and guidelines in pure space's applications according to DIN EN ISO 14644-1 and GMP. The ISO class 5 as well as the GMP class C was reached and certified. The gate construction was adapted optimally on the needs of the users within the range pure area and is characterised in its whole by a smooth, high-grade steel surface (V2A) without projections and edges, which can be cleaned easily. Due to the very narrow side supports the gate can find almost everywhere to employment. The integrated cable run provides for a smooth total surface without attack region for additional particle turbulences. The gate offers a high tightness and ensures that the decrease of pressure is kept very low by the closed gate. Thus the pure space gate RapidRoll Clean exhibits 2000 mm an air loss of 20 m3/h e.g. with a gate size of 1500 x with differences of pressure of 25 Pascal. The frequency static frequency changer price increase as well as an optional no-break current supply, which keep the gate further functional with power failure, are compactly sealed under bundle lining by the speed with opening and reasoning of 2,0 and/or 1,0 m/s the air interchange to a minimum are reduced, so that a small filter load exists. The size of the pure space gate is adapted individually to the requirements of the customers. In it dimensions of 1000 x 1000 mm are possible� (B x H) to 3500 x 3500 mm (of BxH).

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