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Gerresheimer Regensburg develops new generation of Stechhilfen

Gerresheimer Regensburg entwickelt  neue Generation von Stechhilfen
Gerresheimer Regensburg entwickelt neue Generation von Stechhilfen
On behalf a prominent diagnostics company Gerresheimer Regensburg developed the Stechhilfe for a blood sugar measuring system, which contains a volume with test fields for 50 tests in place of individual Teststreifen. The new Stechhilfe of the 5th generation can be angedockt to the measuring instrument, so that stinging and measuring are combined patient-friendly in a unit. At the end of the development stands a Stechhilfe, as well as which is smaller, faster, quieter and more robust an one-hand operation without embracing made possible. With the development of the Stechhilfe the Gerresheimer Regensburg GmbH had to master fastidious challenges. In the comparison to the predecessor model the equipment should receive a smaller magazine with continuous Lanzettenzahl. The operation should follow to a large extent the familiar pattern, thereby however more comfort offers patients to which during smaller energy expenditure and smaller noise. Above all however the operation should be possible also in the angedockten condition, so that Stechhilfe and measuring instrument really form a unit. � with this customer we work already for 18 years successfully together �, describe Burkhard pride, Vice President Sales DIAGNOSTICs. � we are proud again once our authority as a specialist in the development and production of fastidious DEVICEs for the range diabetes to have proven. � the Stechhilfe consists of 19 plastic parts as well as three� Steel feathers/springs. In addition the magazine with its six Einzellanzetten, the magazine drum and a surrounding locking sleeve comes. A change cap for stinging in alternative places is provided like the hand. For the new Stechhilfengeneration the size of the Lanzettenmagazins became with continuous Lanzettenzahl and - size nearly halves. Since the number of construction units remained alike, meant this particularly small tolerances and thin wall thicknesses, without thereby function and construction unit stability in question could be placed. A snatching of the construction units as with the predecessor model was not possible any longer, the assembly had rather via laser welding to take place. In order to make despite the small dimensions an operation possible with as small an energy expenditure as possible, the play between the individual construction units was optimized. Additionally it was necessary to identify the sources of noise in the equipment and to reduce the sound development there purposefully. In order to master these complex requirements, of the Gerresheimer Regensburg GmbH an extensive feasibility study was brought on the way. For all plastic parts an Moldflow analysis was accomplished. Additionally the tension in mechanically loaded construction units was determined by FEM computations, in order to ensure endurance limit. In the development phase arisen function problems were analyzed and repaired with the help of a Computertomographen. For the reduction of noise different Akustiksimulationen was accomplished, in order to determine sound peaks and their cause. Altogether over 20 concepts were provided and tested in the context of a market study with diabetics. The production of the equipment as well as magazine production with fully automatic assembly take place at the location Pfreimd in the pure area of the ISO class 8 (100.000). The devices are installed then at the location Hor � ovsk� T�n. Tool and building of special purpose machines for the project were taken over completely by the Gerresheimer tool and automatic control engineering GmbH. 19 tools with eightfold allocation for the individual parts of the Stechhilfe and 3 tools with 16, 32 were built - and 64-fach-Belegung for the 3 construction units of the Lanzettenmagazins. Thereby the 16-fach-Werkzeug for the production of the drum was particularly provocative. Here springy supporting geometry and pits with friction-optimized surfaces for the Lanzetten, lying inside, had to be realized. �

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