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A large step for the purity in the OI

Ein großer Schritt für die Reinheit im OP
Ein großer Schritt für die Reinheit im OP
The orthopedic surgeons around head physician Professor Dr. Norbert Lindner use the new technology of the ventilation helmets, which possess the advantage opposite the usual breathing masks and visors to cover the entire head. An integrated fan with sterile air protects reduced likewise not only the OI team against contamination by aerosols and particles, which develop with orthopedic operations and settle on the mucous membranes, but the danger of Wundinfektionen. � we wanted already an extremely low infection rate in our hospital and nevertheless in the sense of our patients security to increase - straight also in the current discussion around infections in the hospital �, explains this step to Lindner. Scientific studies would have shown that by the application of the modern space helmets the hygiene at the operation place is continued to improve. The particularly soft part-careful and bone-careful minimalinvasive operation technology was so far already accomplished in a pure area with filtered air. Additionally the orthopedists use special machine rinsing systems, in order to clean the wounds from possible impurities to. The operation helmets of an US-American manufacturer with hermetic isolation of the breathing air and ventilation by a ventilating system use the physicians now according to standard with all joint operations. � beautiful side effect is the cooling by the fan at the head, � means Lindner.Der artificial joint replacement due to the increasing age structure of the population in the high pin in the next years increased to be inquired. So far at the brother hospital pc. Josef are accomplished over 700 joint spare operations at hip, knee, shoulder, leap joint or large toe. Tendency rising. Photo: Spaceman helmets, which are used also during the computer chip production, provide for maximum purity in the OI.

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