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rap.ID a further dimension opens in the Partikelanlaytik

rap.ID öffnet eine weitere Dimension in der Partikelanlaytik
rap.ID öffnet eine weitere Dimension in der Partikelanlaytik Particle of system realizes a for a long time-preserved dream of trace analytics. Fully automatic the new single Particle Explorer SPE 5 recognizes raman.ID + metal.ID the chemical� Structure one only 15 �m large particle and its elementary composition. On the basis of an optical microscope the SPE counts� raman.ID + metal.ID the particles and introduces then due to the seized Partikelform or - size automatically a chemical analysis. This saves valuable hours analysis time and supplies - there the measurement without effort of an operator taken place - high reproductibility of the result. Apart from enormous saving of time also no valuable fiber trace is lost more with the analysis, since the Umpr�paration is void, which is necessary otherwise when using two different analysis methods with the transfer into a second measuring instrument. This becomes possible by the combination of two complementary laser-based procedures: that already for ten years with RAP. Raman spectroscopy and the laser Induced established ID BREAK down Spectroscopy (LIBS). Since LIBS recognizes above all the element distribution in a particle, this recent technology was baptized metal.ID. The advantages are obvious. and particularly during the kriminalistischen trace allocation, in addition, in the so-called manufacturer damage and contamination analytics, with which impurities must be assigned to the causers by only one hundredth mm size as rapidly as possible. Thus two the SPE work raman.ID + metal.ID at pilot customers from the automobile industry for the evaluation of technical cleanliness and at a pharmaceutical company for the clearing-up of foreign particles at the production of medicines since already 2009, which are squirted. " We had the first piercing success of the new technology already recently. With a manufacturer of before-filled syringes we could with the combined drive metal.ID + raman. Within few hours it shows ID that glass particles came not from the syringe wall but from a process pump. The client had had to take already 5 loads of the market in Japan. The developed damage in million height became due to with that� SPE of won clear result of analysis at hundreds of glass particles the filling up enterprise angelastet" , so Dr. of olive Valet, managing directors rap.ID of the Particle of system GmbH in Berlin.

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