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Pure space infrastructure new cousins of the location in Chicago in the schedule

Cousin, prominent offerer of aseptisch before-filled injection systems, will finish the pure space infrastructure for his new location in Chicago to at the beginning of of May. The structure of the production plant, with which it concerns an extension cousin development service (VDS), is thereby in the schedule. The start-up of the work in Chicago is sighted for the beginning of the fourth quarter 2010. Pure area of VDS ChicagoDer location is in the Illinois Science + Technology park in the region Chicago. With the production plant cousin will support customers with the development of new medicines of the Pr�klinik up to the phase II. On a surface of approximately 1,800 m2 the ultramodern work has over a micro-biological and a chemical laboratory as well as three pure areas on newest state of the art. To at the beginning of May will be the infrastructure for the pure areas including the installation by mechanisms for monitorings and laminarly flow finished. In the next months cousin will bring in the racking plants and will take the location at the beginning of the fourth quarter 2010 in enterprise. First fully automatic Bosch racking plant of their kind with cousin in the EinsatzIn one of the three pure areas installs the specialist for the aseptische filling of syringes, Karpulen and Vials the new Bosch system MHI 2020. The plant for the automatic filling of Vials is particularly appropriate for the manufacturing for clinical phases and high-quality biopharmaceutical active substances. With the system can be filled up per day up to 10.000 Vials with liquid active substance and up to 5.000 Vials with freezingdried active substance. Semiautomatic Abf�llkapazit�tenDer second pure area will have a semiautomatic racking plant, with which up to 500 units per day can be filled up. On the plant a large range of different primary packaging means can be processed � Vials, syringes and Karpulen �. In addition, these manufacturing capacities are appropriate for the filling of liquid active substances, can be used for the not cGMP conformal filling of freezingdried active substances. In the third pure area cousin plans the filling of before-sterilized syringe cousins on the BIO 2010Auf that 2010 BIO internationally Convention � s Contract services Summit to Dr. Claudia Roth, work chief new cousins of the location in Chicago, in the context of a lecture over � Design and implementation OF A nearly and flexible Clinical Trial material Manufacturing Site into the U.S � will report. She will speak about the beginnings of cousin for the clinical production. The emphasis is thereby on the Disposable technology, to the reduction of active substance losses by the automatic filling of test specimens and the short term conversion of manufacturing processes. The lecture takes place on 4 May of 15.00 o'clock to 15,30 o'clock in the context of the BIO, which open their gates from 3 to 6 May in the McCormick Place, Chicago. Cousin will be represented on conditions #2351 and in the Illinois Pavilion (#3302) will beyond that actively take part. Over cousins: Cousin is an independent specialist for the aseptische filling of syringes, Karpulen and Vials. The Ravensburger enterprise manufactures also own injection systems like the double chamber syringe cousin Lyo Ject�. Cousin busily world-wide about 2,200 coworkers and holds nearly 140 patents. Beyond that the enterprise possesses experience of many years in the aseptischen filling of drugs for its international customers and permissions by the FDA, EMA and other adjustment authorities. Cousin accredited since 2007 by the Japanese Ministry for health, work and welfare also as foreign manufacturers for the Japanese Pharma market. For its location Ravensburg cousin south (check valve) the enterprise several times excellently � with � the Facility OF the Year Award 2007 � (category � Process innovation �) and � the European outsourcing Award 2007 � (category � Most Improved Process/plans/Facility �). In February 2010 cousin won the Axia Award for its customer relationship management with the cousin development service already offers the enterprise to his customers from the Pharma and Biotech industry support in the early phases of the development: of the pr�klinischen phase over the permission and introduction on the market up to the world-wide selling. The range cousin Commercial Manufacturing takes over the complete production process of the beginning of the active substance solution over the aseptische filling up to manufacturing. The patented cousin solutions within the range of the injection and sealing systems can offer the customers of the enterprise an competitive advantage on international chamfering mA and Biotech market.

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Pfennig Reinigungstechnik GmbH Becker Kretz + Wahl Buchta