Hochtransparente Folien aus dem Reinraum
Of Gunnar of the Geest no dust grain clouds air. No india rubber provides for adhesive smell. No miracle: In the adhesive tape work Hamburg house break supertransparent foils for Elektronikindustrie.Ein pointer develop been sufficient, in order to be allowed to drive a little later with the course to land with the car at the correct place - under pure space conditions or in wind hurry even around the whole world too � surfen": Ever more terminals such as ticket automats and smaller devices from the range � Consumer Electronics" , for example iPod, iPad and navigation equipment for automobiles, can be served nowadays comfortably over touch-sensitive screens, so-called Touch panels. At present two different systems control the market: With at present still far takes place the menu guidance by light pressure over a pin or a finger spread resistiven type. The new, extremely efficient capacitive type, which experts prognosticate enormous growth rates, exclusively reacts to gentle finger contacts. The surface consists mostly of high-quality glass, among them several function layers in a kind sandwich structure, which pass the impulse on of the finger in fractions of seconds, are. Long-lived foils also look through for a permanent and almost invisible connection of the individual construction units ensure Optically CLEAR Adhesive Tapes (OCAs). The optically clear and extremely thin adhesive films are true multi-talents: They must be on the one hand free from dust particles and/or blisters and offer thus highest transparency. On the other side it is necessary the fact that they cling outstanding and steadily in relation to large variations in temperature, humidity as well as UV-RADIATION is. Thus it a product life is called long: How you see, do not see to anything. At least no disturbing adhesive films. Market with large Wachstumspotenzial2009 world-wide about 460 million Touch panel units were sold. The market, to 75 per cent denied of manufacturers in Asia, registered a volume of approximately 2.3 billion euros. The OCA portion of this sum total was with approximately 50 million euro. Industry insiders assume the volume in this segment to 2015 more than will double itself. � in October 2009 we eingef�hrt" successfully two optically clear adhesive films for resistive Touch panel in the market; , adhesive tape explains industrial executive committee Dr. Robert Gereke. � starting from May 2010 we are anbieten." OCAs also for capacitive systems; Altogether adhesive tape expects itself in the coming five years a world-wide OCA Markanteil of approximately four per cent. The focus lies first in the range of the mobile phones. If the supertransparent adhesive films under pure space conditions in the 2009 established production plant in the work Hamburg-house-break-efficient organization of ProzessenDas know-how, developed with adhesive tapes, are produced to manufacture OCAs for most different applications is however only a relevant competition factor. � we look in this attractive growth market also optimistically into the future, because the enterprise proved in the past decades that optimally to customer requirements adjust themselves it kann" , Dr. Robert Gereke describes the efficient organization of production processes at the customer. The adhesive tapes OCAs with thicknesses between 25 and 50 �m (1 �m = 1/1000 mm) can be processed during the laminating process surely and cleanly. Particularly trained adhesive tapes application technicians stand if necessary advisory to the side. Stuck instead of screwed and rivet over outside adhesive tape offers its customer of everything from a hand. Because: Beside OCAs numerous further adhesive film products are used in electronic devices - up to 20 different adhesive tapes Tapes are it alone in some mobile phones. And the trend to ever smaller and lighter multi-function devices continues. Ever more construction units, which were in former times screwed and riveted, today are stuck. Because this saves usually not only place and weight, but also time and money.
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