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High-quality control panel and panel PC in high-grade steel execution

Hochwertige Control Panel und Panel-PCs in Edelstahlausführung
Hochwertige Control Panel und Panel-PCs in Edelstahlausführung
With a new control panel and panel PC series in high-quality high-grade steel execution Beckhoff brings tax and control devices on the market, which correspond to the high hygiene requirements of the food, packing and medical technology as well as in pure areas. The high-grade steel panel implemented in enclosure IP 65 are characterised by their gap-free housing Design with surface-concise Touchpanel. The panel PC variant is with an Intel� atom � - processor equips and offers an efficient industry PC in slim Geh�usedesign.Das new housing Design shows minimum gap dimensions at the foremost and back and is constantly surface concise, without edges and columns, implemented, in order to meet the hygiene and pure space regulations Lebensmittel-und packaging industry. Thus setting from humidity off and the education are avoided from impurities. The high-grade steel control panel and - panel PCs are at present as 12 - or 15-Zoll-Touchpanel available. � - based panel PC offers high achievement in compact FormatDie high-grade steel panel PC of the series of CP77xx is with an Intel� atom � - processor equipped Intel� atom, which forms a compact and efficient IPC unit by its small calorific loss achievement. Heart is a Beckhoff Motherboard with 1-Sekunden-USV. With the help of both on-board-Ethernet-haven also EtherCAT applications are simply realizable. The high-grade steel control panel CP79xx are with DVI/USB connection for the connection to the PC implemented. Through � DVI/USB Extended � can be operated the high-grade steel panel up to 50 meters far away from the PC. Also the optionally available Beckhoff high-grade steel Tragarmadapter offers special control comfort, with which the user can integrate its panel directly at the machine. Optimized control comfort by customized equipmentDesign-customized changes, like for example the integration of emergency stop and electromechanical tracers, short-stroke keys and RFID readers under the front foil as well as USB haven, are optionally possible. Also the Design of the front foil on customer's request can be adapted. Thus a multi-functional control unit for the user, which inserts itself smoothly into the machine Design, develops. In addition as command devices for food processing machines push-button actuators with protective cap can be implemented. Picture: The high-grade steel panel and - panel PCs are with 12 - and 15-Zoll-Displays equipped. The series covers pure indicators with Touchscreen as well as remarks with up to two tracer rows for special functions.

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