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Secure and efficient decontamination of safety work benches with H2O2

Sichere und effiziente Dekontamination von Sicherheitswerkbänken mit H2O2
Sichere und effiziente Dekontamination von Sicherheitswerkbänken mit H2O2
For the decontamination of micro-biological safety work benches (SWB) there is an effective and harmless alternative to the past formaldehyde Standard.In countries like the USA, Great Britain and Switzerland is for a long time usual e.g. inactivating by H2O2-Begasung. In Germany this effective and arrears-free procedure still hesitant is used. Test series in the research lab showed that the decontamination with H2O2 is more effective than with formaldehyde and thus more economical working makes possible. The advantages of this innovative technology speak for itself: substantially smaller health and safety problems, the fast and effective procedure is safe and arrears-free, the validated process grants an enormous time and cost saving. The clean alternative � WasserstoffperoxidDas new procedures to the decontamination is based on hydrogen peroxide, briefly also H2O2 mentioned. A mobile unit with name Skanair� Decosis is driven by a particularly trained service technician directly to the SWB. Already after short time the Decosis unit is attached to the appropriate safety work bench. Variable front plates facilitate here the connection to the devices of the different size classes and manufacturers. In a circulation system now the H2O2 decontaminates reliably the appropriate SWB. All surfaces of the work space become, in addition, the ranges such as return airduct, fans and filters, important for maintenance work, evenly washes around. The quantity of the biocide is stopped thereby individually to the size and the degree of pollution of the respective safety work bench. During the process unintentional withdrawing of the biocide is prevented by an easy negative pressure surely. After conclusion of the decontamination afterwards over a catalyst the H2O2 is divided in the Decosis unit into the harmless dismantling products oxygen and water. These are derived over a special HEPA H14-Filter. After approximately the decontamination of the work bench is completely final 3-5 hours. The decontamination procedure furnishes thereby a statistically secured germ reduction of 1.000.000 (6 logs reduction). As test germ in the attempts of the Geobazillus stearothermophilus in his resistant form as spore one used. It is the form of the microorganism, which withstands chemical and thermal influences longest. BERNESE internationally GmbH is the first certified offerer of the decontamination by means of H2O2-Begasung von Sicherheitswerkb�nken in Germany. The service accomplished by the particularly trained and vonm T�V north personcertified own service technician country widely. �

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Berner International GmbH
25337 Elmshorn


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