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Pharmabau: Quality despite rising costs? Answers the 5th symposium of VIP gives to 3000 in Hamburg

Pharmabau: Qualität trotz Kostendruck? Antworten gibt das 5. Symposium von VIP 3000 in Hamburg
Pharmabau: Qualität trotz Kostendruck? Antworten gibt das 5. Symposium von VIP 3000 in Hamburg
�The branch meeting place for all users, planners, outfitters and suppliers from pharmaceutical industry � congress to 22. /23. April 2010 informed about innovations, new trends and practical examples in the PharmabauReinr�ume are often very complex a heart in pharmaceutical industry, the equipment with newest technology due to editions. Efficiency and experts are here in demand, in order to avoid cost-intensive bad plannings and conversions. � cost-optimized building with increasing regulatorischen requirements � reads from there the topic with the 5th symposium of the association community of interests Pharmabau 3000, briefly VIP 3000, in Hamburg conference centers of the Imtech to 22. and 23 April 2010. � users from pharmacy, planner, outfitter and supplier can be thereby and received on two days hints from practice for practice approximately around efficient and cost-optimized building �, describe Richard Rebec of� Octapharma and VIP 3000-Pr�sident. Expert from altogether more than 30 enterprises, under it Koppenh�fer + partner, Drees & Summers or the T�V south, present and discuss with the meeting place for exchange of experience branchconnoisseur-in line with standard usage are the central goal of the VIP 3000. In order to win and announce new realizations in the pharmaceutical industry, in the meantime 33 members engage themselves in the country wide community of interests. Like the innovations in practice the user, planner, outfitter and supplier to convert leave themselves, present the VIP 3000-Symposium in Hamburg. The program (see attached Flyer) is various with altogether 14 advisers. In addition presentations of the new GMP trends (Ralf gene gene brook, gempex) belong, an overview of the current conditions of the clean-room technology (Dr. Horst Wei�sieker, T�V south) as well as � cost-optimized building from view of planning and the execution �, describes partners, as well as Heino Wolkenhauer, Imtech of Peter Fischer, Koppenh�fer +. In the program also time for exchange of experience and discussions is taken into account just like an evening meeting in Hamburg port on board the ELBE1 and an inspection of the Imtech laboratories. All interested users from pharmacy, planner, outfitter and supplier should register time near under for the symposium, which is number of participants on 100 limited. Expert team by MausklickVIP 3000 is a network of prominent enterprises and research institutions of the German-language pharmaceutical, chemical and cosmetic industry, their supplier as well as planner and universities. � our goal is it to form a comprehensive know-how pool for pure space and Pharmatechnikl�sungen fall back to the user at any time can �, describes Ralf gene gene brook, VIP 3000-Vorstand and managing director gempex of the GmbH, Mannheim. The association is since more than ten years of competent partners, if it concerns the topic pure area and Pharmabau. Companies such as white air condition technology, rice churches, Octapharma pharmaceuticals, Vienna, Trespa Germany, impudent one, or Drees & Summers, Munich, belong to the members. �VIP 3000 offers to users of pure space solutions also increase in value in print form � two publications of the association informs about practice purely: With the college of further education Albstadt Sigmaringen brought VIP out 3000 the manual � pure area for pharmaceutical ones and industry � and 2010 appears in new edition the manual � expert profile Pharma Reinraum GxP �. It summarizes special specialized knowledge, Best Practice examples as well as branch and technology trend and� contains detailed expert profiles; Prospective customers can call it up on the homepage The association plans besides an Internet platform, which is to facilitate it for the users to find accurately the expert who fits best its requirements. By mouse click then the suitable expert team can be arranged. Beyond that VIP 3000 with its own conditions at selected trade fairs is represented, for example on the pure area of this year Lounge 2010 in the middle of March in Karlsruhe.�

This text was translated automatically.

Pharmabau: Qualität trotz Kostendruck? Antworten gibt das 5. Symposium von VIP 3000 in Hamburg

VIP 3000
Verein Interessengemeinschaft Pharmabau e. V.
Niedersachsenstraße 1
29339 Wathlingen
Phone: +49 5144 92366


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