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Ferdinand brown institute presents several new developments on the lasers Optics Berlin

Ferdinand-Braun-Institut stellt mehrere Neuentwicklungen auf der Laser Optics Berlin vor
Ferdinand-Braun-Institut stellt mehrere Neuentwicklungen auf der Laser Optics Berlin vor
Diode lasers become generally accepted regarding reliability, miniaturization, high achievements and high efficiencies in ever more laser applications. Branch meeting place and industrial fair is the lasers Optics Berlin, of 22. - 24. March 2010 under the radio tower takes place. The accompanying congress stands for close teeth of science and application in the laser optics industry. At its exhibition booth (18, conditions 404 resounds) as also on the congress the Ferdinand brown institute, Leibniz institute for very high frequency technology (FBH) presents different new developments: Kompake of laser systems for display on the way to the laser television or to clearly smaller laser displays for Planetarien and flight simulators advanced the scientists at the FBH a large piece: The structure concept of a hybrid system was successfully demonstrated to an established wavelength for different spectroscopic applications in addition, for displays with 488 nanometers (Nm). By means of frequency duplication thereby infrared laser light with 976 Nm over a nonlinear crystal converted into blue light � the wavelength halves itself thereby to 488 Nm. So far this concept needed it into approximately a square meter of laboratory surface, now on the size of a matchbox was miniaturized. The module runs temperature and wavelengthstably and is a demonstrator, who will transfer flexibly to all necessary wavelengths can. With the miniaturization of the structure of laboratory � only approx. 25x10x50 mm measures the module � the power output of a Watt constantly held � the expert speaks of low-noise Dauerstrichleistung. Such hybrid diode laser systems are composed of different building groups, with which the highly precise assembly of the micro optics represents a special challenge. The pea-large lenses must be adjusted with an accuracy of better than a micrometer (�m). Extraordinary precision in � haarigen � orders of magnitude requires, because 1 �m corresponds in approximately a fiftieth of the diameter of a human hair. A second critical point is the thermal management of the structure. The crystal, which is needed for the frequency doubling and thus for the transformation of the laser beam into visible light, works at 50�C, the laser however at room temperature. Both temperatures must be strictly separated: The laser may not warm up and the temperature of the crystal must to 0,1�C be adjusted exactly, since already smallest deviations would lead to achievement losses of more than 50%. In the next step now the transmission of the concept on lasers lines up, those blue light with a wavelength of 460 Nm and green light with 530 Nm emits � this is the wavelengths optimal for the display technology. The pumping lasers with wavelengths of 920 Nm for blue and/or 1060 Nm for green lasers, needed for the structure, were already developed. Pulse picker for ultrakurze LichtimpulseEine further new development from the FBH is the pulse picker, a new concept, with which individual pulses from the high frequency pulse rates of a short pulse laser � � to become herausgepickt to be able. Laser systems with Pulspickern can be used for example in the laser material processing, with biomedical investigation techniques on the basis of the fluorescence spectroscopy and the laser ranging. With the pulse picker a compact module is available on purely semiconductor-technological basis, which can make ultrakurze light pulses available smaller than ten Pikosekunden with almost arbitrary recurrence rates from kilohertz into the 100-Megahertz-Bereich. The concept uses both a custom-made Design for the light arrangement from the technology for high speed diode lasers and optimized high frequency (HF) - components of gallium nitride electronics. The pulse picker united thus in ideal way HF-technology and electronics with the development of high speed diode lasers, both are core competencies at the Ferdinand brown Institut.Hocheffiziente diode laser with extremely narrow SpektrumDas FBH present on the lasers Optics Berlin besides high-efficient and high performance diode lasers. Thus DFB Breitstreifen Diodenlaser were developed, whose optical achievement was doubled opposite the highest performance available DFB lasers more than. World-wide for the first time� from 100 �m broad laser strips were obtained achievements of more as 10 Watts in a spectral region clearly smaller than a nanometer. The lasers possess at the same time a high conversion efficiency: The portion of electricity, which into light one converts, amounts to up to 58 per cent and is thereby scarcely under that conventional high speed diode laser, which has however typically clearly larger spectral width of 2 to 3 Nm. The new diode lasers are a economical option for sources of laser beam with high optical achievement and narrow spectrum. They open the systems for application possibilities for new high-power laser systems, which use wavelengthmultiplex for the improvement of the radiation quality � thereby can different wavelengths over a wavelengthselective element better on one point are overlaid, become more efficient. A further application possibility are particularly efficient pumping lasers with a narrow spectral line width. Pumping lasers are needed as suggestion lasers of fiber and solid lasers for example in the material processing. Picture: Compact laser module for the display technology (C) FBH

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Ferdinand-Braun-Institut gGmbH
12489 Berlin


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