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Materials in contamination-critical production departments � which purity for which operational area?

Werkstoffe in kontaminationskritischen Produktionsbereichen ? Welche Reinheit für welches Einsatzgebiet?
Werkstoffe in kontaminationskritischen Produktionsbereichen ? Welche Reinheit für welches Einsatzgebiet?
So differently the numerous industries are so different, which produce under pure conditions, are also usually their requirements to the production environment and all factors which can be come as for example machines and manufacturing equipment. The fact that thereby the used materials and/or material combinations are decisive already lies on the hand. Long time lay this range however in the dark, because there were no specified research methods. The material selection took place after experience, empirical values or after bare appearance. Contamination-conditioned losses were in such a way pre-programmed. In the context of the industrial group � � that developed Cleanroom Suitable of material CSM Fraunhofer IPA a standardised approach to the investigation of the pure space fitness of combinations of material as well as evaluation models to the classification. These were taken up now to national and international sets of rules (VDI 2083 sheet 17, ISO 14644-8 and -9). Representative from the industries air and space travel,� Life Science as well as building materials place in this meeting� their requirements and results concerning the materials used with them forwards. In particular particle emission, degassing behavior and micro-biological characteristics were decisive criterion lectures: � Particle and VOC emission from coating materials (SIKA Deuschland)� Ultra clean zone in the ExoMars mission (ESA � European space Agency)� Particle analysis for uncovering of sources of contamination (Roche DIAGNOSTICs GmbH)� Life Science suitable Materialen (Fraunhofer IPA) the participation in the meeting is free. We are pleased about their visit and interesting discussion Wednesday, 17. March 2010, 12,15 to 15,00 o'clock, pure area Lounge, fair Karlsruhe, DM arena, area 3

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