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New economical restoration method with mould attack within the screed insulating layer range

Had to be removed so far with a mould attack under the screed both if the floor and the screed and the insulation, leader is the diffusion-open screed joint system only opening, eliminating and locking the screed joint developed necessary with by Dr. Gerhard. The two-stage filter principle used with it is used for example in the pure space and filter technology. Unidentified or properly not reorganized damages caused by water and condensation by cold bridges, for example with insulation lacking of the basement ceiling, lead to mold fungus loads in the damming level of floors. When committing the floor by the weight of the space user of the Unterboden slightly one squeezes together. Thus a short air blast is released in all directions. In each place of the edge joint, thus at the transition from the floor to the wall, therefore loaded air can withdraw from the Unterboden into the spatial air with mold fungus components. Health complaints as for example breath way illnesses, allergische and asthmatic reactions, headache, tiredness and increased Infektanf�lligkeit can be the result. A professional mold fungus redevelopment is necessary from there. This requires, after the principles of the interior hygiene, the distance of the entire mold fungus biomass. The complete floor inclusive screed and insulation must be removed. High redevelopment costs, one " Baustelle" and a longer loss of use of the premises are the consequence. Here the company ISOTEC offers - PELKABAU as specialized partner of the Welindo GmbH, an effective and economical alternative: Through " Verschlie�en" the edge joint with " Schimmelstopp" the loaded Unterboden is separated from the spatial air. The diffusion-open screed joint system adsorbs and filters gaseous and particle-like mold fungus components under swimming moved screeds. It holds back spores, mold fungus poisons, sterile cell wall components, mold fungus metabolic products and smell loads from the Unterboden. Water vapour-permeable materials ensure for the fact that no humidity back-up and thus no further mold fungus growth arise. The handling is simply and fast convertible: The edge joint is opened and eliminated, filled in afterwards an adsorbent. This binds gaseous mold fungus components. Then the joint is covered with a high speed filter tissue, which holds back particle-like mold fungus components. By the plinth skirting, which should be implemented removable, the construction is not visible. Both the costs and the work expended are small in the comparison to the usual redevelopment method.�

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Pfennig Reinigungstechnik GmbH Becker Vaisala Buchta