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Precision parts from plastic for medicine-technical applications

Präzisionsteile aus Kunststoff für medizintechnische Anwendungen
Präzisionsteile aus Kunststoff für medizintechnische Anwendungen
A multiplicity of different plastic-technical product solutions for applications in the medical technology - syringes, Kan�len, Durchstech diaphragms, implant parts and components for the minimalinvasive medicine, building groups for infusion and blood bags, transition and connection systems shows Spang & Fire during the MEDTEC, in 8 on conditions 2401 resounds. Discussions over the issued installed building groups and salesfinished systems, whose geometry and characteristics (e.g. being with Abbrech or turning forces, expect the visitor) must be highly precise. Special attention will find the new mixture and dosing system for bone cement, which are used in the orthopedic surgery. A Design could be realized by the development and use of new special materials, with which the dosage in the OI runs substantially more simply. Special plastic Compounds and HochleistungswerkzeugeDie filigransten parts may not very close tolerance in the microbe realm not exceed and have high continuous stress withstand and/or for, at and in the patients the necessary purity, hygiene and security guarantee. Therefore usually special plastic Compounds is used, (TPU, TPE, TPV, resomere materials among other things), which can be processed only in high speed tools: " We are specialized in the precision and pure space spraying casting technology for the medicine and far mA industry � " since 25 years; , Friedrich Echterdiek, managing director of the Spang explains & Fire GmbH, " � straight for special customer projects we have the correct solutions, supported by CAD-3D development, MoldFlow analysis as well as over 50 all-electric and hydraulic injection moulding machines and have first of all an engineer knowledge on our side, continuously grown. " From the small series to into the million Auflagenn pure areas of different classes are the fully automatic and manual assembly as well as packing of the parts and building groups - of pilot lots and/or Just in time manufactured lot sizes, from the small series into the million-editions. Strategically positioned test stations with 3D-Messtechnik and optically as well as tactile control support the Qualit�tssicherheit." The entire range from the tool to the finished product is our topic. Together with the customer developed and of us manufactured systems are extremely complex, we can our customer the whole chain of the creation of value from a hand anbieten" , Friedrich Echterdiek, Spang underlines & Fire.

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