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Security in the pure area: Their special challenge

Sicherheit im Reinraum: Ihre besondere Herausforderung
Sicherheit im Reinraum: Ihre besondere Herausforderung
Tuesday, 2 March 2010 in the UBS training center, their constantly rising VerantwortungDer pure area is belonged the heart of production of sensitive, valuable goods and to the group mission critical the facilities (MCFs). Any pollution e.g. by dust, microorganisms or smoke can disturb the production processes sensitively and cause thus large damage and costs. Apart from the product quality person security is a special challenge. Active active substances in the Pharmaproduktion, dangerous pathogens in a safety laboratory, inflammable cleaning substances or toxic chemicals in the semiconductor manufacturing represent in principle a safety risk for the cooperating in addition, for the environment. The potential dangers are not to be avoided, therefore they must be controlled reliably. At mentioned cause absorbedly on the special challenges of the� Safety responsible person in detail in the pure area and valuable expert knowledge passed on. At this meeting the application of the new standard becomes ISO 31000:2009 for the successful� Risk management in the pure area describing will become improved the current state of the art shown and like security by persons and surrounding field in planning as well as in the enterprise specific safety solutions of Siemens concept to become participants of the personal� Exchange of ideas with security experts and occupation colleague profit-profiting that knowledge more recognition security expert with their clenched specialized knowledge report to appreciative security experts on the risk analysis in pure areas in accordance with ISO 31000:2009, newest� Realizations for their professional planning and implementation as well as concrete solutions. Dr. Alexander JaecklinSenior Risk manager/partner of the company Euro Risk Limited, is specialized on Risk management in the Life Science and Food industry and chairman of the INB standard committee 198 Risk management the Swiss Normenvereinigung.Dipl. Engineer Arnold Brunnerleitet the engineer's office Brunner building services AG, which is specialized on planning of building-technical plants in the Pharmaproduktion, laboratories and buildings of infrastructures. Max P. Koblerist leaders marketing and sale Fire Safety with the Siemens Switzerland AG, Building Technologies and specialized person for fire alarm systems VKF (combination of kantonaler fire insurers). Jens Feddernist Market manager pharmaceutical one with the Siemens Switzerland AG, Building Technologies as well as appreciative expert for the building infrastructure in the Life Science industry, particularly for the validation of IT-based Geb�udeautomationssystemen.Die participation is free of charge, the registration however mandatory. And there places for the order stands, is a fast registration only limits recommended. This takes place completely simply under

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