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Wiping sample set to the proof of cytostatic drugs

Wischproben-Set zum Nachweis von Zytostatika
Wischproben-Set zum Nachweis von Zytostatika
While handling CMR drugs (e.g. cytostatic drugs, Virustatika, �) it can come easily to inadvertent displaced people by contaminated gloves, Vials, protective clothing, shoes, wheels of carriage etc. Likewise disturbances of the air flows with safety work benches, accidents with cytostatic drugs or simply errors can lead with the daily cleaning to smaller or larger contamination. Since it concerns with cytostatic drugs however poisonous substances those is frequently also still colorless, impurities can be found only difficult. Procedures like � the bio � monitorings � the coworker are complicated and difficult to accomplish, the tests unfortunately very inaccurately.�In the context of the MEWIP study so called (monitoring effect study for wiping samples in pharmacies) 2007/2008 became simultaneous in� 61% of all samples cytostatic drugs proven. Frequently here surfaces before the safety work bench, the ranges of the job planning in addition, refrigerator doors were concerned. In co-operation with renowned Institut for energy and environmental technology registered association (IUTA) those developed BERNESE internationally GmbH the wiping sample set � PharmaMonitor �, with that simply, fast and surely impurities by CMR drugs to be proven to be able. By different analysis methods can be proven up to 25 different single substances, in addition, groups by different cytostatic drugs. Weak points can be easily uncovered in such a way and turned off by regular monitoring with daily handling and the cleaning. The set contains thereby all necessary implements so that the own personnel can take wiping samples on up to 5 different places. These are then analyzed by Institut for energy and environmental technology registered association. The customer keeps a detailed analysis report dispatched in the connection. �

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Further information

Berner International GmbH
25337 Elmshorn


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