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European Union forces research project at the IHP

�� one the largest research project of the institute for innovative microelectronics (IHP) in Frankfurt (or) receives means of the European fund for regional development (EFRE) of height of 22,5 millions euros �, communicated science minister Dr. Martina M�nch in potsdam. The money is to be invested into new devices for the pure area and the laboratories. A goal is the development of new communication systems on the basis of nano-electronic technologies. The measure with a total volume of 30 millions euros should be final at the end of of 2013. The IHP investigates and develops wireless communication technologies. Its activities are aligned the European and German industry to strengthen as well as regionally attractive conditions for high technologies to create. Additionally to the focusing on communication and microelectronics industry the IHP develops solutions for the motorring industry, air and space industry as well as for enterprises within the field of the life sciences. � the research institutes in the country Brandenburg belong in the meantime to the most modern in Germany �, thus to minister M�nch. � the IHP will continue to sharpen its profile with this research project and will increase its competitive ability �, so the minister.

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