Saubere Sache ? Förderbänder im Reinraum
The requirements in terms of the surface quality of technical parts as well as the legal requirements e.g. with pharmaceutical products often require for a manufacturing e.g. of plastic parts under pure space conditions or in � controlled zones so called �. In this connection then almost inevitably also the question about suitable conveying engineering arises, in order to out-transport the parts from the machine, if necessary from the dead head to separate as well as buffer. Despite standardized pure space classifications there is however no generally valid specification, as the conveyors must be e.g. implemented, in order to be suitable for the appropriate pure class of area. There are institutes, which would drive through particle measurements of conveyors, however is so different the tasks of promotion that of it no general validity can be derived. Already a changed volume speed, deviating dimensions or changed cases of load provide for completely deviating result from this reason must depending upon concrete setting of tasks and customer philosophy be usually decided, which equipment characteristics are necessary in the detail. The fundamental demands exist thereby in the optimum avoidance of any form of abrasion as well as simple Reinigung.Der North-Rhine/Westphalian conveying engineering specialist MTF technology offer an extensive equipment catalog, in order to become fair the most different requirements. A regular demand consists of using belts with FDA permission. Here the surface and/or the material of the belt is however only specified. Whether the belt produces abrasion, depends on other constructional characteristics of the conveyor. Here it plays e.g. in particular a role whether the belt is obligation-led. Here frequently slots in the drive and guide rollers are then planned, in which a taper gib runs, which is fastened to the belt lower surface. MTF technology does without this aid and sets instead spherically turned roles in, in order to avoid abrasion � also in the volume body � consistently. With bent conveyors beyond that the lateral stability so called of the belt plays a crucial role. This characteristic ensures for the fact that the belts in the volume break throw no dent and cleanly in the lateral guiding roles run. In particular here a conveyor show up the qualitative differences, because abrasion is last end nothing else as wear. Here MTF technology with a patented procedure offers the crucial technology, in order to always obtain also with changing promotion angles between 0 and 60� one equal lasting Gurtspannung. In this connection it is to be still stated that the closed surfaces let clean of belt conveyors in pure space environments clearly better than e.g. plastic or high-grade steel member volumes. In the hinge strips dirt and/or the multiplicity of the small hinges collects themselves again and again produces a not insignificant abrasion. Even if e.g. lubrication or cooling materials drips on the tape surface, closed belts clear advantages could have been washed off, there contamination simply � e.g. with isopropanol or other cleaning agents -. Apart from the actual abrasion the conveying engineering must be so implemented that if possible none result � dead corners � or ranges which can be cleaned with difficulty. Here many standard engines represent frequently to that extent a problem, that they have on the one hand cooling fins, which are with difficulty accessible. Beyond that frequently also the air turbulence is to be prevented by a radiator. Here either into the volume body integrated propulsion principles or drum engines present themselves. Both concepts have the advantage that they make smooth surfaces possible at the volume body. The drum engines can do without and place beyond that completely exhausts thus for pure space's applications usually the first choice. Likewise any maintenance costs are void e.g. for chain lubrication to avoid etc.) around abrasion should the conveying speed be selected in such a way with drum engines that the conveyor does not run faster than necessary for respective setting of tasks. Here in particular sequencers present themselves, which let the conveyor run even if e.g. the production machine actually runs. This kind of the control has the positive side effect of the energy conservation and wear avoidance beside abrasion avoidance additionally. Frequently conveyors and injection moulding machine are set up also within a range outside of the actual pure area, if the machine is equipped with a laminar flow module e.g. and the parts are transported over a totally enclosed conveyor into the pure area. Here is it then of importance that according to conveyor well against enviromental influences totally enclosed is. For this covers made of polycarbonate, aluminum or high-grade steel are usually used. It is to be respected on the fact that these covers are implemented in such a way that a simple cleaning is possible. Likewise the binding must be accordingly closely implemented to the pure area. With special requirements regarding the certified materials for product-affected parts the conveyor profiles can be provided with a special FDA certified coating. Alternatively the insides of the conveyor can be lined with high-grade steel or be applied on the belts guidance assistance such as waving edges or longitudinal borders from FDA certified materials. The guidance assistance on the belts have with the fact the advantage that the material to be conveyed exhibits and as carefully and abrasion-poor as possible is thus transported no relative motion to being certain side guidance. Straight one within the plastic range is valid it beyond that to derive static loadings at the products if possible in order to avoid a dust adhering. Here also auxiliary cultivations play such as ionization devices a large role beside according to antistatic run covers. These can be installed e.g. on the polycarbonate covers and be provided if necessary with additional exhausts or air connections. Here then also again the circle closes to the drive units, since a slow volume speed with a longer short working period of the ionization accompanies and accordingly for better results provides. From the described possibilities it shows up that there is no generally valid king way during the interpretation of conveyors for pure space's applications. Rather must be configured in the detail on basis of the specific in each case requirements meaningful equipment.�
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