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Montrac: Intralogistik in the pure area

Montrac: Intralogistik im Reinraum
Montrac: Intralogistik im Reinraum
The transport system Montrac Swiss enterprise Montech AG is according to standard conceived for the pure class of area ISO 6 with its purely electrically propelled components. Due to an advancement it was certified of the Fraunhofer Institut also for productions in the pure class of area ISO 4. Montrac is a haulage system for the networking of industrial production and Intralogistikprozesse. Self-propelled shuttles, which have a maximum additional load of 24 kg, drive in a speed of 30 m/min on mono rails over Tracs, curves with minimum radii from 280 mm, switches and crossings to all working on stations. The shuttles communicate via infrared with the distance covered. The Montrac system transports highly sensitive products impact and vibrationlessly: An optical sensor integrated in the shuttle recognizes obstacles and brakes the shuttle. Electrically claimant KomponentenDie switches and crossings is electrically claimant. Thus pneumatics components are void and their connections. The current supply takes place directly over the bus bars, so that the system needs no or only a small wiring. Workpieces can be supplied by an additional current collector on the shuttles while driving with river, in order to test it for example or start operating systems. With the switch� - TracSwitch arena - the self-propelled shuttles can be mainpurely led either of a lane into a bypass or further on that. With only a TracSwitch arena can be realized a completely closed bypass. Thus a switch can be saved in relation to the earlier solution, with which two TracSwitchs were needed. Thus the decision points with a distance covered and concomitantly the monitoring expenditure reduce. Conditions for ReinraumMontrac possesses by his shaping and the complete equipment of purely electrically propelled components the perfect conditions for the pure area. According to standard Montrac for the pure class of area ISO 6 is conceived. Due to an advancement with inductive stream Montrac was certified of the Fraunhofer Institut for production engineering and automation IPA (Stuttgart) also for productions in the pure class of area ISO 4. Simple GrundstrukturMontrac is simple in its essential structure: The mono rails as well as the Tracverbindungen permit a simple and rapid assembly. In addition, changes or extensions of a Montrac plant can be accomplished fast and uncomplicatedly. Montrac can be adapted by the mono rail system optimally to the space conditions. Adjustment to new BegebenheitenMontrac is characterised primarily by high flexibility, small space requirement, reliability and maintenance-free operation. Those� Tracs are available in arbitrary length. All components have the same basis and are among themselves compatible, so that a Montrac system can be adapted at any time and fast to new occurences. Wash and wear SystemMontrac is a wash and wear system: The small portion of mechanical components was developed among other things in view to their longevity. The shuttle is propelled by a brushless direct current motor and can be removed with a handle from the production process, without the plant must be stopped. All ball bearings are locked and on lifetime lubricated. The components are preset and fulfill both EMV and ESD requirements. Versatile einsetzbarMontrac came to two-year research time 1996 on the market. Since then world-wide more than 1000 Montrac plants are realized in different industries and document the universal application type. Montrac is used in different enterprises of far mA, chemistry and semiconductor industry - for example for the Intralogistik of catheters, syringes, Bluts�cken or liquid handling products. Application in ReinraumDer employment of Montrac in the pure area reaches from the production of sensitive products such as hard disk and Wafern up to the transport of medicines and plastic containers for medical applications. Even in chaotic productions, where different products are manufactured, Montrac application finds. A Montrac system is suitable also for productions, in which different pure areas are present. Increase that productivity target the productivity to be increased, is the first thought to increase the number of machines. A further possibility consists of automating or optimizing the flow of material. Here Montrac finds its employment for example in the plastics industry. Often a classical haulage system cannot convert the requirements in the Intralogistik. With Montrac products are removed fast and simply. Chaos TechnologyDie kind to produce, changed: Today it happens ever more frequently that manufacturing processes must be changed at short notice: In extreme cases customized even up to lot size 1. the products must drive and these ways to also constantly change be able repeatedly different ways. The chaos Technology is a new method, in order to steer a Montrac line. Chaotic production is converted by it - without external control and without additional costs �. The chaos Technology decouples the distance covered of the process, during which it ensures that rails, switches and shuttles for the solution of the logistic task organize themselves. KostenvergleichEin cost comparison between a classical conveyor system and a Montrac system shows that Montrac can be more expensive in the acquisition than a conveyor system. But during one period regarded by six years a Montrac system is more favorable around nearly 50 per cent than a conveyor system. This is because of the smaller current consumption as well as the lower installation costs opposite a F�rderbandsystem.Montrac not only than economical solution for complex and expandable production and logistics plants proved, but is attractive also for small and simple production processes. Montrac KonfiguratorIm Internet under find interested a Konfigurator, with which they can configure their Montrac plant and try various variants out. With this tools the process of the mono rails in the plant can be adapted to the needs and spatial restrictions. Can their own resounding layout interested import. Picture: Self-propelled shuttles communicate via infrared with the distance covered

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Further information

Montech AG
Gewerbestrasse 12
4552 Derendingen
Phone: +41 326815500

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