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Lugaia � specialist for sterile transfer solutions

Lugaia ? Spezialist für sterile Transferlösungen
Lugaia ? Spezialist für sterile Transferlösungen
The Lugaia STS AG, an enterprise in Switzerland, offers Disposable solutions for the pharmaceutical industry. With Stericon the still young Lugaia has a certified and patented procedure, with which active substances can be brought by sterile plastic bags, continuous hoses as well as welding engineering into the insulator-protected range. Since March 2009 is the Lugaia STS AG Premium partner of the optima Group pharmaceutical one. In the interview managing director Viktor Schnyder (40) is located to speech and answer to the new cooperativetalks.: Mr. Schnyder, how it came to the co-operation of both enterprises? Schnyder: We began with Lugaia before three years to develop and this our customers present the Stericon procedure in this connection I approximately one year ago into contact with Matthias Poslovski of the optima Group pharmaceutical one came. It and J�rgen Rothbauer (managing director) then quite fast took up the idea of the partnership and recognized the chances for both enterprises. Subsequently, one has first something � beschnuppert � � one looked itself, how far we are. For us a large partner was interesting, which sells the products world-wide. Talk.: Since when are there Lugaia? Schnyder: The current Lugaia AG exists since 2006. This Swiss corporation is to 100% in possession of the family Schnyder. Talk.: Why recently was the Lugaia STS AG created? Schnyder: The Lugaia STS AG gives it now since 18. March 2009. At the Lugaia AG, which exists further, we cover different requirements � in particular those the chemical industry �. Those are foil products, e.g. continuous foils, which we manufacture and drive out. The second line concerns Stericon for the pharmaceutical industry, this procedure we already patent let. At this Stericon procedure Group pharmaceutical one is interested the optima. In our discussions it became then clear that we created a new enterprise for co-operation. That is, the Lugaia AG remains thus to 100%� in hands of the family Schnyder, the new Lugaia STS AG by the majority Schnyder and optima are hold by it an important participation in hands of the family. �Talk.: What do you promise yourselves from the partnership? Schnyder: For us is a completely important partnership. As small enterprise we had possibilities in the selling and in marketing, limited so far. Now completely new, world-wide outlets are open to us, that are for us reliably the most important advantage. With the financial participation we received in addition, additional clearance e.g. for studies to the procedure and advancements. Talk.: That is, that partnership co-operation exists now already longer it began, thus still before the official establishment? Schnyder: Yes, correctly. For approximately one year on Stericon one works already together. Talk.: Which synergies expect you from your view for optima? Schnyder: Machines from the optima Group pharmaceutical one have now the possibility with our procedure to be equipped. For the optima Group pharmaceutical one is a very meaningful addition � and the customer has naturally the advantage to get everything from a hand. Talk.: It probably concerns a very promising technology. The one-way solutions arise with the process cycles in the pharmaceutical industry increased. Schnyder: Yes, which is Disposable � philosophy � that one disposes of sterile, however favorable materials once used and then. Thus expensive, aufw�ndige purification processes and thereby the just as aufw�ndigen are void qualification-process-talk.: For which range are Disposable thesolutions of Lugaia suitable? Schnyder: So far pharmaceutical products were usually brought according to the alpha beta RTP principle into the insulator-protected range. Here one must the bag with the alpha haven, respectively the beta haven to connect and so the product into the insulator to transfer. With our procedure these procedures can be saved. Talk.: Is there a competition to Stericon? Schnyder: The procedure, how we now patented it, does not give it otherwise anywhere. There are only different solutions as for instance the alpha beta RTP system. One can naturally use that. But there we are cost-related widths ahead. It is, one makes only completely few infiltrations, e.g. once per week or once per month, then the alpha beta RTP system has still certain advantages. The investment, which one transacts, is somewhat smaller compared with us. The costs of expendables material are however very many smaller with us. Here exactly our large advantage is justified, we uses one-way materials. Talk.: The foils, which are used with Stericon, are probably manufactured in a special procedure? Schnyder: The foils are manufactured among other things in the pure area during extruding processes. With us also the Konfektion is then accomplished, i.e. we put to weld different foil layers � that are on the one hand a polyester layer and on the other hand a PL layer � into one another in and that together to a Stericon bag. These work is made with us in the pure area of the ISO class 5. Talk. : The customer can bring then with your machines and your bags the materials into the sterile process. Schnyder: Jawohl, correctly. Talk.: Are there already reference projects for the Stericon procedure? Schnyder: That is the crack point, if one offers a new procedure for the pharmaceutical industry. The first question in our Akquisegespr�chen always is whether there are already references. We have now a first reference project, which is momentary still in the qualification. Here production will start shortly. Now we have numerous further projects, which are in planning or in the decision phase. Talk.: Perhaps still a few background to the Lugaia AG: How did Lugaia develop? And which vocational Background do you have? Schnyder: I am a mechanical engineer (note D. Talk. : Graduate of a school of engineering, comparably with the German FH) and was before active as an employee ten years in the industry and also in the building of packaging machines. In this time with me the conviction developed that one can solve certain tasks purely on foil basis � without complex equipment technology. My goal was to develop the whole foil technology. Since this is encountered little interest at my employer at that time, I said myself, then I make. Talk.: On what does the name Lugaia decrease/go back? How did this develop? Schnyder: Lugaia decreases/goes back to the first names of my three sons, Lukas, Gabriel and Jeremia. I took in each case two letters out of the names and developed in such a way Lugaia. Talk.: Which advantages does the location Visp in the Valais offer for your enterprise? Schnyder: Visp lies in the middle in the mountains. Geographically seen, that has a certain disadvantage, since visits are connected with a certain travel activity always also. Since we are settled at a landschaftlich fascinating place however, customers are on the other hand also enthusiastic by our situation. We are approximately one hour from Berne distant and have thereby also the contact to this important let us center-talk.: Is there also a German-language part in the Valais? Schnyder: Yes, the Oberwallis, where we are settled, is German-language. The Unterwallis, which constitutes two thirds of the Valais, is franz�sischsprachig � I also studied here. One can address us thus also on French. And naturally on English.�

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