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M+W Zander for 20 years successfully in Asia: Anniversary celebration in Singapore

M+W Zander seit 20 Jahren erfolgreich in Asien: Jubiläumsfeier in Singapur
M+W Zander seit 20 Jahren erfolgreich in Asien: Jubiläumsfeier in Singapur
With a commemorative event in the circle of customers, partners and coworkers the international plant engineer M+W Zander celebrates today its 20. Birthday in Asia. 1989 had M+W Zander to be first large-scale project in Asia, which hand building to a semiconductor factory over in Taiwan, successfully finally and at the customer TSMC. In the year 2009 the company is present and gained there round in Asia with approximately 2000 coworkers in nine countries half of the conversion of the entire group. Contrary to the start time the customers come today from many Hightech industries. Beside the semiconductor industry rank among it flat screen production, pharmaceutical one, chemistry, biotechnology, Photovoltaik, energy, research, computing centres and Nahrungsmittelbranche.Seit the Erstauftrag for M+W Zander in Taiwan further semiconductor and in the consequence also flat screen factories built. The technical requirements grew thereby continuously. 1989 was one proudly on it, for the first time a factory with a pure space surface of over 10,000 square meters to have planned and build. Today's flat screen factories reach against it a pure space manufacturing area of more than 160,000 square meters � that are approximately 25 football fields. After the first Folgeauftr�gen in Taiwan 1991 were then created in the context of a large order the next address in Singapore. Together with further large orders the expansion of the business took place to China and into other states in the early 90's. Today M+W Zander Asia with societies is in China, India, Malaysia, which the Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand and Viet Nam as well as with an address in Australia represent. � I am proudly on the outstanding achievements of our coworkers convinced in the past 20 years and that the M+W Zander group will realize most fastidious projects as one of the enterprises for high technology engineering, leading world-wide, also in the future to the fullest satisfaction of our customers �, said George stump, chairman of the supervisory board and owner. � the stump group as sturdy and long-term owners of the M+W Zander group will guarantee that the location Singapore its strong position in the Asian growth market will play to develop further and a weighty role at the strategic growth path of the M+W Zander group �, so George stump further. � end of the 80's was M+W Zander a genuine pioneer as it around went transferring experiences with planning and building from Hightech factories to Asia � said the chairman of the management of M+W Zander, J�rgen game, in its speech. � the readiness to tackle and master new challenges, is also 2009 a fundamental component of our organisational culture. Today our emphasis is to transfer the know-how existing in the company successfully on new markets. � M+W Zander has a large order for a research center in China for example in the summer for the first time received during in Viet Nam at present a manufacturing plant for medical technology is in such a way established. � Asia is today the most dynamic growth region within the M+W Zander group �, described M+W Zander Asia managing director Helmut Kurzb�ck. In the year 2008 the Asia conversion of the group had climbed of 615 millions euros in the previous year on 912 millions euros. Kurzb�ck referred on the pronounced customer satisfaction, which can be particularly read off from the high reagency ratio from 70 per cent. For the future the Asia managing director counts on further growth. Kurzb�ck: � by our presence of many years in all growth regions of Asia we can offer a reliable and cost-efficient project realization to our customers. � picture: Cleaning/interior fittings chip factory (M+W Zander)

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