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� performance Envelope Testing � � or where are the power limits of safety work benches?

?Performance Envelope Testing? ?  oder wo sind die Leistungsgrenzen von Sicherheitswerkbänken?
?Performance Envelope Testing? ? oder wo sind die Leistungsgrenzen von Sicherheitswerkbänken?
With safety work benches there are no more standardized velocity values for air flows already for many years. The specific operating points of optimal protective functions depend rather on constructional details and thus on the respective model. In the context of a research project the protective functions of a safety work bench in form of the person and product protection were examined by means of micro-biological method in accordance with DIN EN 12469. The efficiency in form � performance of the Envelope � was determined for one BERNESE FlowSafe� safety work bench. In this testing method wanted contamination is caused. By change of the air flows in the front opening and in the work space the person and product protection are no longer ensured starting from certain power limits. Comparisons show that each safety work bench a Envelope and thus different power limits exhibits its own performance. T�V NORTH CERT confirmed, which BERNESE FlowSafe� of safety work benches have compared with other safety work benches broader � performance a Envelope � and which in the sense of the protective functions in the test showed largest efficiency. BERNESE the FlowSafe� of safety work benches within the ranges of the compensation of flowmechanical disturbances, protective functions and security also under extreme conditions absolutely prominent are, in the test in impressing way were represented. Picture: Results of the micro-biological examination of the person and product protection in dependence the air inlet and displacement current

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?Performance Envelope Testing? ? oder wo sind die Leistungsgrenzen von Sicherheitswerkbänken?

Further information

Berner International GmbH
25337 Elmshorn


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MT-Messtechnik Ecolab HJM Becker