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For the MEDTEC Europe goes � to s further upward

Für die MEDTEC Europe geht?s weiter nach oben
Für die MEDTEC Europe geht?s weiter nach oben
Medicine-technical trade fair has already 80% for the year 2010 of the put goals reach against the overall economic trends sets the medicine-technical trade fair MEDTEC Europe, of 23. to 25. March 2010 in Stuttgart takes place, their positive run of the last years away. The Vorbuchungen on exhibitor side signal that also in the next year on growth is to be counted. Over 11.000 engineers, production specialists, designers and Top Entscheider came in the first March week 2009 to Stuttgart to the MEDTEC Europe, in order to find under that approximately 630 issuing enterprises suitable Ausstatter and suppliers. According to fair inquiry with large success. So Gregor Bischkopf, fair manager of the organizer Canon Communications LLC may, for which coming meeting in March 2010 expect a further increase: � defiance of the strained global economic situation, which completely spares only few industries, we proceed for the manufacturing industry of the medical technology also for 2009 and 2010 from a stable growth with approximately nine per cent world-wide. Our planning is accordingly realistic. We expect already now approximately 700 exhibitors and are pleased, well six months before the fair 80% of the available surface to have rented. � with it the MEDTEC Europe strengthens its position as European guidance fair and world-wide second largest meeting for medical technology, after the US Canon-fair � Medical Design & Manufacturing (MD& M) West �. As very positive Bischkopf estimates the increasing international meaning of the medicine-technical trade fair: � the exhibitors came from altogether 32 countries of Europe, America and Asia. It is already foreseeable that this trend 2010 will continue. � in the coming year the exhibitors will occupy a resounding 4, 6 and 8 of the national fair Stuttgart. Their offer covers among other things components for medicine-technical devices, as for instance pumps, hoses, engines, electronics and mechanical components. Likewise to see CNC steered processing machines, packing method, software for construction and manufacturing, equipment for quality assurance as well as connection technique celebration were established the four topic pavilions, which any information to automation and assembly, PrecisionTec, Medical Packaging and Medical plastic Technology to offer. As a firm component of the MEDTEC Europe 2010 also the accompanying innovative forum is in resounds to 8 set, lectures around new developments in areas like automation, nanotechnology and materials offers approximately. The combination with the parallel organized fair S�dtec brought 2009 for exhibitors and visitor so many advantages that fair organizer Canon Communications LLC holds to this concept. This approach-estimates for the processing industry in South Germany is a platform for international suppliers of most diverse industries, those their services and products presents here � of metalworking over electronics and plastics up to semi-finished material, construction and rapidly prototyping due to the past success of the fair double luggage starting from 2010 with the trade fair � 3C Europe � a further, supplementing topic spectrum is taken up. 3C stands for Contamination control & Cleanroom Products, and accordingly dedicates itself the 3C Europe 2010 of the pure space and contamination technology. As a target group it addresses responsible person managers and engineers of European enterprises and institutions, which would bring new clean-room technologies in as well as existing pure areas or remove want to maintain. A range, which has its firm place among other things in the medical technology. � the Medtec Europe � is on growth course. In the year 2010 it supplemental by the supplier fair � S�dtec � and the pure space trade fair � 3C Europe �. 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