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25 years FuE in the Reinst and micro production at the Fraunhofer IPA

25 Jahre FuE in der Reinst- und Mikroproduktion am Fraunhofer IPA
25 Jahre FuE in der Reinst- und Mikroproduktion am Fraunhofer IPA
2009 are an expressed celebration year for Fraunhofer: The society became in April 60 years old, her president of many years, Professor Warnecke, celebrated in the same month on the IZS campus in Stuttgart its 75. Birthday and in July committed that Fraunhofer IPA its 50-j�hriges existence in the production research for the future. Celebrated Institut from 1 to 3 July being entitled with solemn ceremony, high-carat lectures and exciting exhibitions. However the industrial day on 2 July with house fair, lectures, discussions and laboratory guidance attracted scarcely 500 visitors, among them also of Baden-Wuerttemberg Prime Minister G�nther Oettinger.An this day took place also the ceremonies for the 25-year old anniversary of the department of Reinst and micro production . She is proven partner for the industry about producing of miniaturized and contamination-critical products and develops solutions for the there technical challenges. Visitors could inform with a tour by the pure space laboratories about the newest developments and current projects. Thus they experienced for example like the cleaning technology developed at the Fraunhofer IPA the planned Mars expedition ExoMars to support are or like the future manufacturing micro and nano-technical products in the new to look more �ProductionTower could. Also MdL G�nther H. Oettinger informed of the innovative strength and the visions within the range of the Reinst and micro production as well as the forthcoming comprehensive modernization pure spacewith over 80 participants from industry and research very well visited was also the symposium arranged under the slogan PURE into the future . Project partners and experts Fraunhofer of the IPA reported together on projects, among other things from the ranges purity technology, automation, production logistics and - IT, and from this resulting results as well as the possibilities of a successful co-operation. Picture: MdL G�nther H. Oettinger with the inspection of the pure area in company of the institute leaders Professor Alexander Verl and Professor Engelbert Westk�mper as well as the department manager Dr. - engineer Udo Gommel

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