"CREMS" - Clean Reliability Equipment Monitoring System
In the context of the special advance research project " CREMS" (Clean Reliability equipment monitoring of system) that developed Fraunhofer IPA a measuring head, with which the particle abrasion can be supervised for the first time directly at and in the products. The production of particles by abrasion and wear represents the most important and most critical source of product-damaging contamination in pure space manufacturing. The employment of pure ventilation engineering can reduce thereby only the particle entry over the environment. Particle emergence in the direct product environment by the assigned manufacturing equipment is not controllable thereby. In order to secure and abrasion increased at the same time and wear beginning seize the necessary product protection immediately, a suitable and completely applicable measuring technique is necessary. The use of established air particle counters for a complete monitoring of area and plants is not possible, since the available measuring technique at a value of 5,000 to 40,000 euros too expensive and too large is, in order to integrate it in machines or equipment components. So that or semi-finished material in a pure production area used the quality of the manufactured products nevertheless be guaranteed can, Fraunhofer the IPA made it's duty, economical and lie close-integrable particle measuring techniques for air to develop gases and liquids. Only with it a complete purity monitoring in real time for the entire purity-relevant production department (pure area, plants and their components) can be guaranteed. The system must be on the one side sensitively enough, over e.g. wear beginning by the detection from micro and submicrometer particles to recognize, on the other side it should be for the comprehensive industrial employment robust and economical. A measuring head, which promises to become fair these requirements, was developed at the Fraunhofer IPA in the context of the special advance research project CREMS (Clean Reliability equipment monitoring of system). By its compact dimensions, the measuring head makes completely new applications for the particle measuring technique in the pure manufacturing surrounding field for a length of 2 cm and a diameter of 1,5 cm possible (see illustration). Since the sensor, which is placed at the measuring point, works purely passively, i.e. electrically or the system contains, can none of mechanically active components even directly in highly combustible ranges be used. By the interpretation, efficiency and compactness of the sensor system the system is interesting both for the operator of pure space manufacturing and for the manufacturers of production mechanisms for pure applications such as robots. They can supervise now the particle abrasion for the first time directly at and in their products. In the context of the further work the measuring system is optimized in such a way that it is suitable for a mass production. Construction units, which can be produced economically for instance in injection moulding or as turned parts, are to be used. In addition that offers its customer to Fraunhofer IPA to modify the system userally-specific in order to be able to make for respective case of application the optimal configuration available. Their partner for further information: Institute for Fraunhofer for production engineering and automation IPA Dipl. - Phys. Markus Rochowicz telephone +49,711 970-1175 I email markus.rochowicz@ipa.fraunhofer.de �
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