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Autumn conference 2009

Herbsttagung 2009
Herbsttagung 2009
Topic: Nanotechnology and Oberfl�chenreinheit13. October 2009,� 09:00 - 17:00 clock, university town Konstanz nanotechnology and Oberfl�chenreinheitDie nanotechnology is the key technology 21. Century, their meaning constantly increases for the processing industry. In few years out of results of research numerous products and procedures went out, which are used appreciably in production processes. Are from large interest new material properties and funktionalisierte surfaces of nano-particles and nano-structured product surfaces. Much to be called for example the reduction of the Anschmutzung or the prevention of germ growth nanotechnology produces however not only � increased surface purity �, but also presupposes these during processing processes. Surface purity becomes in production the condition fur high-quality products and fastidious Produktionsprozesse.Sowohl a risers like also representatives from enterprises with experience in handling increased purity requirements offers the autumn conference � to nanotechnology and surface purity � an overview the state of the art, substantial conditions in handling nanotechnology, like also practical examples from the industry. Appreciative experts are available for contacts and for a discussion with questions. The target group of the meeting: - Cooperating from the plant management/process development cooperating with Aktivitatsfeld pure space cooperating from the departments of Qualitatsmanagement, qualification, personalschulung cooperating with tasks in operational and strategic UnternehmensentwicklungDer use for the participants: - Overview for the state of the art, possibilities and requirements of the nano-technology of participants and Regularien for the industrie requirements in the development, production and use of nano-particles and funktionalisierter surface requirements in the production and measurement of surface purity of sample applications from the industrie ExpertenkontakteDie program topics of the meeting: - Introduction to the nano-technology nano-industry and Regularien: Plan of action � synthetic nano-materials � - production and characteristics of nano-particle particle measuring technique and filter technology in the nano-technology measuring technique at surface bio Contamination control antimicrobial coatings for pure equipment surface distance of nano-particles by laser radiation summary � Wrap UP � - inspection nano-laboratory at the specialist area physics of the University of Konstanz

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