Advertisement: Construction work for buildings in the health service - D-Cologne
Proclamation construction contract section I: PUBLIC AUFTRAGGEBERI.1)��� NAME, ADDRESSES AND CONTACT POINT (N): University University of Cologne, assignment number MF.84.967.4029, . .II.2)� QUANTITY OR EXTENT OF THE AUFTRAGSII.2.1)� Total quantity and/or - extent: Clean-room system walls and - cover (inclusive internal doors and interior windows) for the pure space and laboratory range: approx. 500 m � surface area, PVC tile pavement approx. 470 m �, GMP conformal far mA monitoring, sanitary installations: Water and waste water installations (a plant for the production of WFI water 50l/h, WFI Zapfstationen 2 pieces, approx. 80 m sewers DN 60 to DN 100, approx. 250 m high-grade steel lines with insulation DN of 12 to DN 25, approx. 30 pieces water supply connections to laboratory furniture, ..
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