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Platinum-interlaced silicone hoses for pharmaceutical production - HelixMark�

Platinvernetzte Silikonschläuche für die Pharmazeutische Produktion - HelixMark®
Platinvernetzte Silikonschläuche für die Pharmazeutische Produktion - HelixMark®
HelixMark� products are the result out over 25 years manufacturer experience. The Silikone is e.g. made of raw materials of market leaders like Dow Corning and upright one. Each individual product becomes� after quality requirements for medicine devices inclusive material certification and load actionableness manufactured. Platinum-interlaced according to the biocompatibility requirements of the USP class vi.-certified according to ISO 13458-Qualit�tsstandardsZertifiziert according to ISO 14644-Qualit�tsstandardsISO class 7 and 8 pure spaceof the FDA registriertHelixMark� Standardschl�uche can be sterilized in autoclaves or by means of Ethylenoxid as well as by gamma ray exposure within the cycles and sterilization levels validated by the user. The correct certificates. For PharmaFocus hoses platinum-interlaced silicone elastomer used particularly for the needs of pharmaceutical production was developed. This silicone is submitted of a set of biocompatibility tests, which are suitable for pharmaceutical applications, whereby the implantation studies, which are normally accomplished at Silikone by biomedical quality, are omitted. The result is a more economical silicone hose, which offers both quality and security. The correct manufacturer with more than 25 years experience with the production of silicone products Helix Medical with its main production location in Carpinteria/California has constantly its principal purpose in the view: To wake confidence into each product, which is manufactured. This tendency obligates the enterprise to fulfill the highest standards available for their production departments. The correct hose. PharmaFocus of platinum-interlaced silicone hoses are available in 11 usual size combinations. Typical hardness: Internationally a variety of platinum-interlaced silicone hoses offers 50 shores AVWR to GmbH for pharmaceutical production in its extensive product assortment also over 5000 expendables material for the pure area.�

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