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2. Pure space meeting/special topic of zone concepts

2. Reinraum-Meeting / Spezialthema Zonenkonzepte
2. Reinraum-Meeting / Spezialthema Zonenkonzepte
29. Septembers 2009, Stuttgart to 31 July 2009 book and 250, - euro Fr�hbucherrabatt secure. The Reinraum Community meets to the exchange of experience and information at the end of of September 2009 for the second time in Stuttgart. The pure space meeting is offered apart from current main topics, which are treated within lectures, the possibility, in particularly for it furnished discussion and discussion rounds of exchanging and over questions of discussing with experts. Differently than pure seminar meetings, is far out more comprehensively conceived pure space the meeting and has than a first goal the exchange among themselves. The lecture topics serve as basis for following discussions, in which the respective topic can be deepened. Different forms of rounds of talks whether panel discussion or Lunchdiscussions offers expert and also new A RISERs equally an ideal platform. Zone concepts - practical conversion of the requirements the conversion of the requirements from the laws and guidelines when planning and execution of pure space complexes and the associated zone concepts requires a relative to large experience around as fast and efficiently as possible zone concepts to come also in practice the existence has. This meeting mediated on the one hand the bases on those conceptual planning supports itself and the actual conversion by different examples in those mostly several contrary requirements at the same time to be fulfilled must, as e.g. the radiation protection and the GMPAnforderungen for the production of Parenteralia. The topics pure-spacemeeting-new and converted PharmaprojekteVorstellung of production department representation the pure space zones and - KlassenMaterialfl�ssePersonalfl�ssePlanungsphilosophieBeispiele production for standard and high-potent product multi-PUR-float plant/wage production production of radio medicine expert topics, in the context of the DiskussionsrundenGMP Compliance/qualification pure space equipment wall and floor scheme floor systems and/or proof ventilation monitoring clothing more experience you under: �

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ESN - European Synergies Network
69214 Eppelheim


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