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Martin Moser is new Operations Manager at Schreiner Group

Change at the Helm of Operations

Martin Moser ist der neue technische Leiter der Schreiner Group. Er verantwortet die Hightech-Produktion an allen vier Standorten des Familienunternehmens. © Schreiner Group / Martin Moser is Schreiner Group’s new operations manager. He is responsible for the high-tech production operations at all four locations of the family-owned company. © Schreiner Group
Martin Moser ist der neue technische Leiter der Schreiner Group. Er verantwortet die Hightech-Produktion an allen vier Standorten des Familienunternehmens. © Schreiner Group / Martin Moser is Schreiner Group’s new operations manager. He is responsible for the high-tech production operations at all four locations of the family-owned company. © Schreiner Group
Stabwechsel bei der technischen Leitung: Lorenz Geiger (links) übergibt die verantwortungsvolle Position bei der Schreiner Group an Martin Moser (rechts). Er selbst übernimmt als Senior Management Consultant Operations Group übergeordnete, strategische Aufgaben. © Schreiner Group / Change at the helm of operations management: Lorenz Geiger (left) hands the responsible role at Schreiner Group over to Martin Moser (right). As senior management consultant operations group, Geiger has assumed higher-level, strategic tasks. © Schreiner Group
Stabwechsel bei der technischen Leitung: Lorenz Geiger (links) übergibt die verantwortungsvolle Position bei der Schreiner Group an Martin Moser (rechts). Er selbst übernimmt als Senior Management Consultant Operations Group übergeordnete, strategische Aufgaben. © Schreiner Group / Change at the helm of operations management: Lorenz Geiger (left) hands the responsible role at Schreiner Group over to Martin Moser (right). As senior management consultant operations group, Geiger has assumed higher-level, strategic tasks. © Schreiner Group
Engagierte und motivierte Mitarbeiter mit viel Expertise: Die Teamkultur bei der Schreiner Group begeistert den neuen technischen Leiter Martin Moser. © Schreiner Group / Engaged and motivated employees with ample expertise: Martin Moser, the new operations manager, is excited about the team culture at Schreiner Group. © Schreiner Group
Engagierte und motivierte Mitarbeiter mit viel Expertise: Die Teamkultur bei der Schreiner Group begeistert den neuen technischen Leiter Martin Moser. © Schreiner Group / Engaged and motivated employees with ample expertise: Martin Moser, the new operations manager, is excited about the team culture at Schreiner Group. © Schreiner Group

Schreiner Group has a new operations manager: Martin Moser has assumed responsibility for operations at all four plants in Oberschleissheim, Dorfen, New York, and Shanghai. With extensive experience in the pharmaceutical and automotive industry, he is perfectly prepared for this demanding role. His predecessor Lorenz Geiger, switches to the role of senior management consultant operations group, focusing on strategic operations aspects in the future.

“Schreiner Group is an internationally positioned high-tech company with innovative products and outstanding prospects for the future. That convinced me,” says Martin Moser. The company’s internationalization and opportunities for further development of operations were particularly attractive to him. With a focus on digitalization and automation, he intends to raise operations at Schreiner Group to the next level, emphasizing artificial intelligence and innovative tools to enhance efficiency on the factory floor and continuing to optimize product quality. “Using intelligent analysis of data and statistics we can identify complex issues at an early stage and achieve sustainable improvements,” Moser stresses. Although the world of labels is new ground for him Moser draws on long-standing expertise in Schreiner Group’s core industries. During his professional career he worked in both the pharmaceutical and the automotive industry for many years. 

During his first weeks at Schreiner Group, he was particularly impressed by the intensive onboarding process. “The company’s engaged and motivated employees and outstanding team culture have inspired my enthusiasm,” says Moser. His goal is to make the high-tech factory floor at Schreiner Group even more innovative and fit for the future.

“We are delighted to have gained such an experienced and visionary operations manager for Schreiner Group in Martin Moser,” says Roland Schreiner, President and CEO of Schreiner Group. “With his passion for technical innovations and his strategic mindset, he is ideally suited for continuing to develop our production technologies at all manufacturing locations and to prepare them for the challenges of the future.”

Schreiner Group expresses sincere appreciation to Lorenz Geiger for his outstanding achievements as operations manager and wishes him the best of success in his new role. “We are thankful that Lorenz Geiger will continue to support us with his great expertise and excellent know-how.” With his long-standing experience and strategic foresight, he is going to keep making a valuable contribution to the successful development of the company.

Schreiner Group GmbH & Co. KG
85764 Oberschleißheim


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