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Almost loudless low energy drive saves energy

Nahezu lautloser Niedrigenergieantrieb spart Energie
Nahezu lautloser Niedrigenergieantrieb spart Energie
Door automation offers today within countless ranges crucial advantages and facilitates for many humans the life. Barrier freedom, control of host of visitors, security, comfort and formative individuality are only some arguments, which speak for it. In many buildings it is therefore in the meantime natural standard to facilitate customers or visitors the entrance. Today door drives are inquired ever more frequently, whose enterprise causes if possible no disturbing noises. Almost loudless the new turning door drive SW 100 functions of world market leader inseminates. It acts thereby around an electromechanical turning door drive (latches open by engine and spring action) by engine strength, with which opening and closing speed can be individually stopped. The extremely quiet low energy drive can be attached for oppressive and pulling arm systems to both sides of the door. It is equally suitable for single and Doppelt�ren (equipped with hinge strips or pivots). In addition a program switch made possible likewise constant keeping T�r.Der automatic drive open offers increase in value functions such as pressure relief, sophisticated double door price increases with integrated closing follower control, supervised emergency power battery and intelligent bolting device functions. With the employment of two optional Akkus (UPS) the drive can be further operated with power failure up to 300 openings. The new low energy drive is particularly in demand in ranges with high requirements at peace, flexible enterprise and reliability. For internal doors the SW 100 is of inseminates in the best way suitably, in the external area is meaningful a previous technical clarifying. Optimal ranges of application are office buildings, obstruct-fair mechanisms, passages in hospitals and nursing homes, department stores, banks and hotels. The drive is very interesting also for an additional automation of rotary wing doors. Besides inseminates a broad repertoire at functional accessories and add-on units has like e.g. electromechanical bolting device, program switch, emergency power battery, � Kill � - open function/to close, keys, manual and automatic pulse generators, presence recognition sensors and supervised emergency power supply. The free info. package " New drives for Automatikt�ren" one gets over the email:�

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Besam GmbH
64807 Dieburg


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