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All publications from Ferdinand-Braun-Institut gGmbH

At “Laser World of Photonics” trade show and accompanying “CLEO Europe“ confer-ence, the FBH presents its capability in diode lasers and UV LEDs, each device opti-mized to fit the respective application.

Extremely versatile – FBH offers tailored diode lasers, from the chip to the system

The Ferdinand-Braun-Institut (FBH) presents novel developments and advances of its diode lasers and UV light-emitting diodes (LEDs) at the “Laser World of Photonics”. The event is hosted in Munich from June 26 – 29, 2017. FBH offers the full value chain in house: from design through chips to m…

Rubidium-Modul für FOKUS-Experiment: Fasergekoppeltes Rubidium-Modul für FOKUS-Experiment im Weltraum. ©FBH/P. Immerz

Projects KALEXUS and FOKUS successfully carried out on board the sounding rocket TEXUS-53 in microgravity.

Einstein put to the test – two precision experiments in space with lasers from Berlin

According to Albert Einstein's theory of relativity, all bodies in a vacuum regardless of their properties are accelerated by the Earth's gravity at the same rate. This principle of equivalence applies to stones, feathers and atoms alike. Under the conditions of microgravity very long and precise me…

The FBH presents its advanced diode lasers and UV light-emitting diodes at “Laser World of Photonics“ and the associated conference “CLEO Europe“

Comprehensive know-how and the full value chain, from technology development to complete systems

The Ferdinand-Braun-Institut (FBH) exhibits a selection of current improvements and new developments regarding diode lasers and UV light-emitting diodes (LEDs) at the international trade fair „Laser World of Photonics“ in Munich from June 22 - 25, 2015. Based on the in-house available full techn…

Hochleistungs-Weltraummodul: Mikro-integrierter Extended Cavity Diode Laser (ECDL) für die Spektroskopie an Rubidium-Atomen im Weltraum. Damit wurden am 23.4.2015 Tests an Bord der Höhenforschungsrakete FOKUS durchgeführt. Ziel ist es zu zeigen, ob verschiedene Uhrentypen im Weltraum tatsächlich gleich gehen, wie Einstein behauptet hat. (© FBH/P.Immerz)

Tests in Schwerlosigkeit an Bord der Forschungsrakete FOKUS durchgeführt. Erfolgreiche Technologiedemonstration für QUANTUS-Mission.

Einstein überprüfen – Präzisionsexperimente mit Lasern im Weltraum

Laut Albert Einstein gehen Uhren umso langsamer, je tiefer sie sich im Gravitationspotential einer Masse befinden – je näher sie also zum Beispiel einem Himmelskörper sind. Dieser Effekt wird im Rahmen der Allgemeinen Relativitätstheorie als Gravitations-Rotverschiebung bezeichnet – er zeigt…


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PPS ClearClean Systec & Solutions GmbH Vaisala