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Convert the current GMP requirements in the pharmacy everyday life

Umsetzen der aktuellen GMP-Anforderungen im Apothekenalltag
Umsetzen der aktuellen GMP-Anforderungen im Apothekenalltag
Date: 27.10. 2010 starting from 10:00 clock place: M+W Process Industries GmbH, roll first race 97, 90408 Nuremberg target group: Pharmacist, pharmacies as well as pharmacies after �13AMG, clinical center pharmacies etc., already manufacturing. Registration: until at the latest 15 October 2010Veranstalter: M+W Process Industries GmbH profiting from know-how in line with standard usage: - Exchange in the supraregional colleague circle lecture & Dialogue with Dr. Rainer Gnibl, government inspector (ZAB) - GMP at any price? Authority-conformal around/new building - panel: Manufacture permission in accordance with � 13 AMGUnter the slogan � shifting of the current GMP requirements in the pharmacy everyday life � takes place the free symposium in Nuremberg. Program: 10. 00 o'clock greetings of the participant short conception M+W Process Industries GmbH, Alf Kain, division leader pharmacy plants, M+W Process Industries GmbH, address N�rnberg10.15 clock current GMP requirements of the sterile production in hospital range standards and guidelines, quality assurance, acquisition of manufacture permission, current changes and developments, PharmOR Dr. Rainer Gnibl, government inspector (center drug monitoring Bavaria) 11,15 o'clock new building of a GMP range for the aseptische patient-individual production in the pharmacy of the UK ErlangenEin empiric report from planning to the acquisition of manufacture permission, Ralph Heimke Brinck, manufacture leader pharmacy university clinic Erlangen12.15 clock lunch time and Imbiss13. 15 o'clock GMP fair planning and realization of a pharmacy for the production of cytostatic drugs and ParenteraliaLayoutfindung, key trade and interfaces, course of project, Dr. Berthold F�rster, department management validation and technical Facility management, M+W Process Industries GmbH, address N�rnberg14.15 clock qualification, validation and operation of a sterile production validation strategy, qualification extent and - steps, operator concept,� Dr. Berthold F�rster, department management validation and technical Facility management, M+W Process Industries GmbH, address N�rnberg15.00 clock conclusion-discussion-recognized advanced training of the Bavarian points of national pharmacy chamber advanced training: 7�

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70376 Stuttgart


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