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Cleaning Validation AND Pre-Course Workshop: Impact of Annex 1 Revision on Cleaning Validation - Live Online Training

Pre-Course Workshop
With the Pre-Course Workshop we cover:
  • Regulatory requirements of Annex 1 regarding Cleaning Validation & Cleaning (incl. potential topics stated "between the lines")
  • Annex 1, Annex 15 and EMA "Shared facilities Guideline" – harmonized, extended requirements or even contradictions!?
  • Annex 1 & Cleaning Validation – practical approaches
Main Course
Regulatory Requirements
  • EU GMP Guideline Part I, II and III
  • EU GMP Guideline Annex 15
  • EMA “Shared Facilities Guideline” (incl. PDE concept)
  • PIC/S PI 006
  • APIC Cleaning Validation Guidance for APIs
  • PDA TR 29 – “Points to Consider for Cleaning Validation
  • ISPE Cleaning Validation Life Cycel – Applications, Methods, and Controls
  • FDA 21 CFR 211.67
  • FDA Guide to Inspection – Validation of Cleaning Processes
Practical Pre-Requisites I – Hygienic Equipment Design
  • What is hygienic design?
  • Material aspects
  • WIP/CIP aspects
  • Riboflavin test
Practical Pre-Requisites II – Cleaning Process Development
  • Developing a cleaning process – which steps are necessary?
  • TACT
  • Which residues are common
  • Type and selection of cleaners
  • CIP vs WIP vs manual cleaning
  • Cleaning Documentation
Sampling during Cleaning Validation
  • How to define sampling points?
  • Sampling techniques
    • Swab
    • Rinse
    • Coupons
  • Analytical requirements
Cleaning Validation – incl. Practical Approaches
  • Cleaning Validation Concepts
    • Bracketing
    • Hold time studies (DHT, CHT)
  • Cleaning Validation Risk Management
  • Cleaning Validation Plan
  • Cleaning Validation Report
  • Cleaning Validation life cycle (Revalidation, Ongoing Cleaning Verification)
  • Cleaning Evaluation
Workshop – Setting Sampling Points
  • Setting sampling points on a risk-based Approach – what to consider
  • Sampling point selection based on sampling technique and analytical method
  • Different sampling points for different purposes
Handling Deviations and OOS during Cleaning Validation and Ongoing Cleaning Verification
  • What is an OOS, what a deviation regarding Cleaning Validation?
  • GMP-compliant documentation of OOS and deviations
  • CAPA
Workshop – Case studies of Non-Conformities during Cleaning Validation and Ongoing Cleaning Verification
  • Is always the cleaning process to blame?
  • Which actions are adequate based on the Investigation and root cause?
  • Actions depending on the time-point of detecting the Non-Conformity
  • Does a Non-Conformity mean revalidation?
  • Does a Non-Conformity always lead to Batch rejection?
Special Topics of Cleaning Validation
  • Segregation & shared facility Guideline
  • Cleaning Validation in Biologics & Biotech production
    • Differences between chemical and biotech APIs
    • Acceptance criteria for biotech APIs
    • Analytical methods to detect biotech APIs in Cleaning Validation
Q & A sessions
Five Q &A sessions (one during the pre-course, two on day 1 and on day 2 of the main course) ensure interaction and that your questions are answered.

Rischerstraße 8
69123 Heidelberg
Telefon: +49 6221 844415
Telefax: +49 6221 844464
eMail: info@concept-heidelberg.de
Internet: http://www.gmp-navigator.com/


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