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  • Standard-, operating-parts, valves, connectors, ...

Pumps and valves made from ultrathin elastomeric films are lightweight and energy efficient

Miniaturized pumps and valves that rely on the motion of dielectric elastomeric silicone films are being created in Saarland, Germany. Not only are these devices lightweight, compact and energy-efficient, but they also work without the need for compressed air, motors or lubricants. They are cleanroo…

Mit seinem neuesten Vakuumpumpen-Prototyp demonstriert das Forschungsteam seine Technologie auf der diesjährigen Hannover Messe. Die Ingenieure ziehen damit stufenlos ein Vakuum von bis zu 300 Millibar Druck. Um die Technologie anschaulich zu machen, zieht die Folie in einem Demonstrator ein Vakuum in einer Glasglocke mit Luftballon. Die Doktorandin Carmen Perri forscht mit an den smarten Pumpen und Ventilen aus dünner Silikonfolie. © Oliver Dietze / The research team is showcasing its latest vacuum pump prototype at this year's Hannover Messe. PhD student Carmen Perri is carrying out research into smart pumps and valves made from ultrathin silicone film. © Oliver Dietze


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Guntramsdorf (AT)
CLS Ingenieur GmbH
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Systec & Solutions GmbH Buchta MT-Messtechnik C-Tec
  • Trade fair

From 23 to 25 September 2025, the Nuremberg exhibition grounds will again become the hub where everything revolves around technologies for processing powders, solids and liquids.

POWTECH TECHNOPHARM 2025 – the hot spot for processing technology this September

In just over six months from now, POWTECH TECHNOPHARM will relaunch following its scheduled break. From 23 to 25 September 2025, the Nuremberg exhibition grounds will again become the hub where everything revolves around technologies for processing powders, solids and liquids. Visitors can already l…


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Becker ClearClean PMS HJM